Author Topic: Palin's Real Function in this Election  (Read 2381 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Palin's Real Function in this Election
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2008, 02:23:22 AM »
<<And has McCain supported any efforts to lie or smear Obama? >>

Supported?  What do you think, he's totally crazy?  Why use surrogates at all if he's gonna come right out in public and support the lies and the smears.

<<So, back to square 1, where you have this completely meritless claim of McCain surrogates going out lying about Obama, as if he's behind it all.  >>

Meritless, my ass.  McCain is the ONLY possible benificiary of the lies and the slanders.

<<Quite the contrary, he's been out front criticising any attempt to inappropriately smear or lie about Obama>>

He almost never mentions it.

<<But by all means, get Obama on top of his game...lie, smear, call every woman who doesn't support his agenda as a pig.  >>

Obama doesn't lie; hasn't smeared; hasn't called "every woman" or any woman who doesn't support his agenda a pig.  None of that has ever happened and you can't produce one example of it.

<<It's going over great, so far>>

Oh, I see - - something that isn't even happening is "going over great."  I guess I still haven't learned to speak proper Bizarro English yet.  I'm still trying to figure out what that last comment meant.


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Re: Palin's Real Function in this Election
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2008, 02:58:11 AM »
See?, the beauty of your asanine proof needed.  In fact, the absence of proof is the proof.  McCain's behind the smears because he denies them.  He's behind the lies because he criticizes them.  All the while Obama's lies from his own mouth....well, that's just him doing what McCain does....which again is just the opposite

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Michael Tee

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Re: Palin's Real Function in this Election
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2008, 09:53:58 AM »
<<See?, the beauty of your asanine proof needed.  In fact, the absence of proof is the proof.  McCain's behind the smears because he denies them.  He's behind the lies because he criticizes them.  All the while Obama's lies from his own mouth....well, that's just him doing what McCain does....which again is just the opposite>>

Classic misrepresentation of what I say, but I'm used to it.   How about this:  McCain supporters encouraged by lack of real condemnation from the candidate himself are behind the smears.  Because they are scum and McCain is scum, they know that he supports every scummy thing they support - - war and fascism, racism and militarism and above all else the maintenance of their class war position, siphoning more and more of the national wealth into their own pockets.  They will do anything to advance their interests, best served by a lying dishonest weasel like McCain, ill-served by a guy who really wants to change things like Obama.  Thus the campaign of lies and slander.  For them, it's the only way.

McCain could do a lot more to counter the lies and slander spread about Obama to his own benefit.  Instead he produces few and far between token denials and negation, just enough to enable guys like sirs to claim that he can't be behind the dirty tricks because he denounced them (absurd, but there it is) and goes on spreading the basic Big Lie of his own campaign, that he's a reformer, he's a maverick, he's gonna bring change.  We'll see in November how many Americans are dumb enough to fall for it, racist enough to vote against their own best economic interests.

Sure McCain keeps his distance - - can't afford to be seen too close to the source.

<<You a yoga master?>>

No, just a guy who doesn't keep his own head stored up inside his own ass.


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Re: Palin's Real Function in this Election
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2008, 12:10:58 PM »
So basically, you're bent out of shape that McCain hasn't been more foreceful in his criticisms.  News Flash Tee, supporters of McCain that may lie about Obama are no different than the army of Obama supporters smearing & lying about McCain & Palin.  But this wasn't about supporters.  This was about supposed surrogates, acting at the behest of their boss.  You have no examples of such, in fact it's quite the opposite.  All the while Obama is lying about Palin, now calling her a pig, lying about McCain, but you give it the go ahead because he's supposedly following in McCain's footsteps, whereas you have yet to show McCain doing this supposed leading in the lying.

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« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 01:38:27 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle