Light rail.....between my house and my work place? That's where the waste is .....the light travel via auto between Mickydees and the home front. Let's just walk.
If it's close enough, why not ride a bike, or maybe a motor scooter?
It's not that close, but if it were, I would.
Just this evening I witnessed a bike accident. A woman whom I have watched gliding her motor bicycle to and from work on the very path I travel via auto was hit!! I am so worried about her. She was in the ditch surrounded by citizens who kindly helped her up.....then there were the sounds of the oncoming fire truck and ambulance headed to her rescue.
sadly, in all honesty.....for a few months now, I've wondered when she would "go down"...
I am not being negative about her choice to change the way we travel and save the earth, but I have to admit, I have been concerned. Her bike was motorized. It was quite something to watch her travel on her motorized bicycle down the country road. Such a cute figure. Such a sign of the new times. She road proudly and like the wind. She wore a yellow jacket all summer, but recently changed over to a black jacket. I had a bad feeling this morning as we crossed paths once again for the umpteeth time. She didn't seem to be prepared for the darkness.
Sure enough....not good news. If there was some way I could find out what happened to her. ...

Drivers are "assholes" in this city. The do not tolerate the bicyclists.
Ok, so ....
I say build an auto that can keep the air clean. We can't walk to work in this nation. We just can not. So, the only thing I see is to build a car that will reduce the pollution problem.
In the meantime, I hope to someday reduce my own need for traveling to perhaps twice a week....When I retire.
There has to be a way to solve this other than building underground rails.