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Poetic justice
« on: November 25, 2008, 10:25:38 PM »
Accused drunk driver ends up running over himself

SANTA FE, N.M. ? A 21-year-old man was accused of driving drunk and leading police on a chase that finally ended with him running over himself. The man was treated for minor injuries at a Santa Fe hospital and booked in to the Sandoval County detention center on charges of aggravated driving while intoxicated, fleeing a police officer, careless driving and two other outstanding traffic warrants.

A tip to the state's DrunkBuster hot line Sunday afternoon alerted authorities to a possibly drunken driver.

State Police Officer Grace Romero spotted the man's pickup truck swerving across both lanes of a highway, driving slowly and then fast. He refused to stop.

After narrowly missing other vehicles, police said the suspect drove through a ditch and a barbed-wire fence before stopping. He tried to put the truck into park, but it ended up in reverse.

Police said the man fell from his open door and both of his legs were run over by the front driver's side tire.

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Re: Poetic justice
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 12:06:32 AM »
I once loaned my car, a 1960 T-Bird convertible to a hefty librarian friend for the summer when I was studying in Mexico. She stopped the car atop Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State one night "to make a pitstop". The car slipped out of gear, or maybe wasn't in gear, with the wheels sharply turned, and it ran over her ankle, twice. A kindly truckdriver hopped in- the car was going slowly in reverse- and rescued her.

Her daughter in law was a German woman named Irmgard who chewed me out for being so irresponsible as to lend her mother in law such a dangerous vehicle. About a month after that, the librarian (who weighed about 350 lbs.) bought a 1962 T-Bird convertible and drove it for the next ten years.

Maybe she liked danger, maybe she wanted to piss off Irmgard. Her new T-Bird never ran her over, in any case.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 11:53:31 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
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