I once loaned my car, a 1960 T-Bird convertible to a hefty librarian friend for the summer when I was studying in Mexico. She stopped the car atop Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State one night "to make a pitstop". The car slipped out of gear, or maybe wasn't in gear, with the wheels sharply turned, and it ran over her ankle, twice. A kindly truckdriver hopped in- the car was going slowly in reverse- and rescued her.
Her daughter in law was a German woman named Irmgard who chewed me out for being so irresponsible as to lend her mother in law such a dangerous vehicle. About a month after that, the librarian (who weighed about 350 lbs.) bought a 1962 T-Bird convertible and drove it for the next ten years.
Maybe she liked danger, maybe she wanted to piss off Irmgard. Her new T-Bird never ran her over, in any case.