Yes, Knute, a real thinker has a mind that is searching for truth. But a real thinker also needs more than the insubstantial fluff and insults that you try to pass off as arguments to be persuaded. A real thinker needs this exactly because he is searching for truth, not superficial assertions. You accuse me of being a pseudo-intellect to whom no one can prove anything, but you haven't tried to prove anything at all. Your dismissal of Shlaes is at best flimsy and immaterial. Your dismissal of the CFR with the assertion that "Dick Cheney was its director for a couple of years" is, at best, a distortion. When pressed, you simply avoid addressing the issue and make excuses. You're hardly marking out the intellectual high ground. In point of fact, Knute, you are a fraud. You're trying to pretend to be an intellectual, a thinker who cares about finding the truth, when in actuality all you ever do is run away from the truth and insult anyone who disagrees with you.