I keep forgetting that you belong to a subcult of the Republican cult and are therefore twice removed from reality. You did end up posting one of your nutcase freeper Libertarian blogs (Reason) and refer to another RW nutcase such as yourself Amity Schlaes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amity_Shlaes
You are by far the most ignorant and needlessly insulting people with whom I have had a conversation here. Libertarians are not a subcult of the Republicans, nor are they right wing. Amity Shlaes is an intelligent woman who has won awards for her writing, and is a senior fellow in economic history at the Council on Foreign Relations. What exactly do you bring up against her? You claim merely that she is "another RW nutcase". If you really want to lecture me on how I should properly respond to your questions, you might first bother mounting a substantive argument of your own. But I have seen enough of your writings here to know that you won't.
You really are clueless as to reality.
Says the man who apparently knows nothing of what FDR's economic policies actually were, and proceeds to laud FDR anyway and hope for another.
You would have been better served to display the economic policies that were supposedly repealed. Once again by whom?
Pooh yi. Congresses did so. Duh. When we were in World War II, some of Roosevelt's policies were repealed by the U.S. Congress at the time. Under Truman, Congress overrode Truman's veto to pass the Taft–Hartley Act, which rolled back some of the Wagner Act that had been passed under Roosevelt.
You only think I am insulting because I am not as impressed with you as you are with yourself. When I was a child I thought I was Libertarian and read Ayn Rand. But then I was intelligent enough to realize that I did not know everything and might not ever know everything and that circular arguments even spouted with certainty were a proof of shallowness, not intelligence.
Shlaes' degree is in English not economics or history. She is smart enough to cover the bullshit she writes with sweet smelling prose, I suppose. The Council on Foreign Relations is a typical RW think tank anymore. Dick Cheney was its director for a couple of years , for chrissakes. They love falsehoods presented as new thinking like any RW er.
You sure did have to dig deep into your pile of RW manure to come up with Taft-Hartley rolling back some of the Wagner Act which actually made your hated big govt more powerful. The combination of big govt and big business is a major characteristic of fascism.