Spain has not had even one, Japan has not had any mass killing with guns since WWII, perhape even before that. Ausrtralia had a major massacre, and they solved the problem.
We are doomed to have more. Nothing can be done. But at least some of us know who is to blame.
Oh,you mean with firearms only?
I was thinking of the nerve gas attack in Japan and the bombing in Spain which both happened in train stations. I don't see why separating guns from other weapons is usefull.
If there is nothing to be done then what blame are you speaking of?
Harsh measures for a long period would be required to make guns rare in the USA, and then every single one of the guns that escaped the dragnet would be in the hands of a criminal.
In Colorado today a useless gun ban was signed into law, and a high state official of the corrections was shot in his home.
Should Colorado in response pass an even more harsh or even more useless gun restriction?