I don't like any situation where a politician tells religious leaders what to say to their followers. I like it even less when the religion is a minority one and its practitioners are mostly members of a visible minority. What's going to happen for example if they DON'T preach the government line?
Exactly what is now happening in the US nothing really , President Bush has done a phenominal job of directing American anger at overseas targets and we havent had a repeat of the incarceration of the foreigners like WWII.
And specifically with regard to the Muslims, they are between a rock and a hard place. While the West is invading their homelands and killing tens of thousands, and has been robbing, exploiting and ripping them off for decades, they are expected to suddenly start denouncing Muslim extremist reaction to the crimes of the West? Why not just denounce the crimes of the West since those are the crimes by which they as individuals are the most directly victimized? If they in fact did as that Ozzie fascist ordered them to do, they'd lose all credibility with their own congregations and come across as sell-outs and cowards. What self-respecting religious leader would want to put himself in that position?
What exactly was being ripped off of whom that justified the 9-11 attack?
What is still being ripped off that makes Al Queda so eager to repeat it?
I think the government - - any government - - should just stay the hell away from religion. They have no business at all telling the churches or mosques what to preach. I thought that kind of stuff went out with Nazi Germany.
This opinion would mark you for death in some Muslim countrys but not the US or Canada , yet.