unless Sanders starts to pull out the honesty/integrity card. If he does, she's toast at any chance of becoming President
SIRS I have asked friends...
is there any way in hell if she is indicted would she stay in the race?
and would the DNC even allow her to stay in the race?
Yes, and Yes. She's a Clinton. The DNC and Oligarchy have invested far too much time, energy and $$$$$$ to not allow her to stay in the race. It'll be spun as some new age VRWC. That she was indicted, because she's a woman....that the Koch brothers bought themselves a Justice Dept indictment.
That said, given the level of unethical conduct, by Obama's Justice dept, even if an indictment is recommended by the conclusion of the FBI criminal investigation, and even though current Federal law doesn't require intent on her part, at putting America lives and tactics at risk, I still expect the Justice Dept to conclude that she never intended to do anything wrong, and as such, will not indict her. And the left will claim victory, that it was all just some political effort to thwart her chances at becoming president. Never mind the laws she broke, and the exponential level if irresponsibility and recklessness she demonstrated as our SoS, as she demands that she be made President. It was all just some big VRWC cabal...spearheaded by the Koch brothers of course....oh, I forgot, and Bush