Author Topic: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.  (Read 4717 times)

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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2008, 08:05:01 PM »
Are you kidding? Every old fart that spoke in his defense last night talked about how hugely courageous he was to have been a prisioner.

I am 65 and I am not running for president. Vietnam was a waste of lives, money and time. I sure couldn't see any reason to go there, and I didn't.

It's time for McCain to retire. He's a thing of the past.

I hope when he retires Palin will be our next POTUS.


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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2008, 08:05:34 PM »
Being courageous, (which it was), and being subjected to whatever horrors he was, is NOT the same as stating his being a POW is some qualifier to being POTUS.  It's simply saying something of the man, McCain

So, are you planning on modyfying your claim, or are you planning on demonstrating who's claiming being a POW is a qualification for being President??

Ball in your court
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2008, 08:26:54 PM »
<<Yea sure thing, right after you can find a credible eye-witness that says he never was (read not someone who we can easily demonstrate is simply in CYA mode)>>

The jailer.  What's he afraid of, McCain's gonna track him down and kill him?  The Vietnam government would prosecute him for torturing a war criminal who's probably killed more women than Ted Bundy, adding the horrible agony of burning them alive, which not even Bundy would do?  They'd probably give him an extra medal if he DID torture the guy.

You've got one credible witness who says he was never tortured.  The jail guard.

You've got McCain, who says he WAS tortured, but this we know is the same lying bastard who swore marriage vows to his wife which meant absolutely zip in real life.  Then lied to her to cover all his cheating.  THIS is the guy whose word you wanna take over his Vietnamese guard's?  A known liar and a war criminal?  Lotsa luck.

So really what YOUR problem is, is to find one credible witness who'll back up the little weasel's claims that he WAS tortured, especially when his jailer denies that it ever happened.


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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2008, 08:38:15 PM »
I hope when he retires Palin will be our next POTUS.

The odds are McCain won't retire, he'll croak, and then we have some fundie flake with the experience of Isabel Peron trying to run this country as the lobbyists and fatcats swarm around her like botflies and carrion crows.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2008, 08:39:43 PM »
LOL...yea, the guard is "credible".  As I said, apparently Tee is gonna take the word of an SS officer under Hitler claiming the Jews were all treated with kid gloves.

Nice world Tee lives in
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2008, 08:45:38 PM »
<<LOL...yea, the guard is "credible".  As I said, apparently Tee is gonna take the word of an SS officer under Hitler claiming the Jews were all treated with kid gloves.>>

Uh, no, that's one of your lies that I already demolished in this thread, sirs, remember?  We don't have to take anyone's word against the SS, because we have eye-witnesses, photos and film.  Remember?  I'm getting worried about your mental state, sirs, because although lying is normal for you, almost your default state, you're usually able to remember for more than the course of a day, which lies have already been exploded and need replacement, and which lies are still good.  When you start using exploded lies in the same thread in which they've been exploded, I naturally worry about you, sirs.

<<Nice world Tee lives in>>

Yeah, the real world.  Step in and look around once in awhile.  There's no entry fee.


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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2008, 10:26:17 PM »
Witness to Vietnameese torture

Mike McGrath


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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2008, 02:22:55 AM »
No need to worry about me Tee.  Your hyperbole & lies are so easy to document, you could almost apply the famous query, when do you know x is lying?  When they type.  Though is this thread its not so much lying as in your transparent double standard
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor.
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2008, 10:25:27 AM »
<<Witness to Vietnameese torture

<<Mike McGrath>>

Good artist.  Maybe you could get him to illustrate some Operation Phoenix tortures while he's at it.  Or the tortures described by John Paul Vann in A Bright Shining Lie, which usually ended, not surprisingly, with the death of the victim.  Would he be interested in an Abu Ghraib volume?

I don't know where Americans find the gall to protest torture, since they are the world's leading practitioners.

And, for the record, McGrath was NOT an eyewitness to the alleged "torture" of which McCain is always complaining, he himself, it appears, being the only witness to it, since even his jailer denies that he was tortured.  Common sense alone would indicate that one does not torture the son of a U.S. admiral.  McCain in fact got as good hospital treatment as was available at the time, and photographs even show him in hospital in a  plaster cast which for sure was not of his own making.