Author Topic: Better late than . . .  (Read 3376 times)

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2010, 01:01:55 AM »

No, I think WWII was real. I think most people understood the exact nature of the threat from Germany and Japan, and did not expect immediate attacks on U.S. soil except in the early days of the American entry into the war, when there was some panic on the West Coast.

You do not think that WWII was real at all!

Why If only you were able to confrount FDR with the fiction of Japaneese agression when odviously they had only struck once in Hawii and once in Alaska , for the whole rest of the war they couldn't manage to attack the US territory at all?

Why this is lucridous , that the Japaneese never attacked any second or third time proves that they were no real threat in the first place , FDR lied us into that war and could not have answerd this unanserable question, why no more attacks ? Were FDR and Eisenhour and McArther better leaders than Robert E Lee?

Don't you consider it proven that the Japaneese didn't attack more because they were never a real threat?

I am sure that do not think that WWII was real at all!

You are a logical person arn't you ?

Are not the prooffs equal?


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2010, 01:08:19 AM »
<<Umm We have troops on the ground now so we are going mano o mano with them as we speak.>>

Uhhh, yeah, but troops supported by helicopter gunship assaults, drone attacks, stealth bombers, missiles and other air support aren't exactly what I meant by mano-a-mano.  At the rate you're going, your cowardice in combat is probably costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even more, for each mujaheed you kill.  Since they're easily and cheaply replenished, the question that arises is how long can your weakened coffers keep it up?

<<A nuke cost what to drop? Gotta be cheaper than deploying 200k soldiers overseas for a year. >>

But you haven't done it?  How many guys would you kill with one nuke?  They're dispersed, in the mountains, in caves, etc.  How many nukes do you think you could drop before the neighbours - - India, Pakistan, China, Russia - - took offence at the radioactive clouds drifting their way?

The fact is, you CAN'T drop even one nuke, and if you could, the one wouldn't help at all.  If you COULD nuke them, you would.  A fucking snake has more "humanitarian concerns" than the U.S. government so please don't try to pretend that it is humanitarian scruple that keeps you from nuking your enemies.  You've already done it twice before.

Besides, don't worry so much about the cost of deploying 200K Neanderthal hillbillies - - most of the money required comes straight out of your pocket and into the pockets of Blackwater, Boeing, KBR, etc.  "Your" government has correctly figured that YOU won't even miss it.  And they were right.  This is one party that will go on until the kitty is broke - - which from the looks of things, won't be long now.  Then you'll just have to pay a little more and the government will have to cut back some on whatever benefits it still is able to pay out.  It's all gonna work out fine.

<<Not sure why you are so concerned about innocent civilians. Doesn't seem to bother you when they are blown up by suicide bombers.>>

Sure it concerns me, it's just that you kill so many in relation to the "terrorists" AND you were the original supporters of the "terrorists" and of Saddam himself, so most of the victims can be laid to your account, either killed by Americans or by people whom the Americans at one point supported, armed and advised.

Do you suppose they would agree to meet at a Dojo or a fight ring and fight Marquis of Queensbury rules?

We would still win , but with much less waste. Possibly no killing at all.

I really think you have a good idea there.

I think we would be willing to hold back as much as they , if such a thing could only get started.

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2010, 09:03:13 AM »
The Japs attacked and took over a lot of U.S. territories, the Philippines, for example, Guam, Wake Island, Attu, Kiska, they bombed Dutch Harbor (Alaska) and fire-bombed American forests, killing five Americans (but the fire-bombing was hushed up so as not to spread panic) - - I dunno, even for Americans there must have been SOME evidence that the Japs were out to get them. 

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2010, 09:13:42 AM »
<<So some civilian lives are worth more than others?>>

No, it's only the U.S. military who thinks that the lives of Americans are worth a helluva lot more than the lives of civilians who become "collateral damage."  Which is why Tommy Franks keeps a very close count on American casualties but "doesn't do body counts" when it comes to Iraqi civilians.

No, if I seem to dwell on the victims of the US military more than I do on the victims of the "terrorists," it's not because of differences in the intrinsic value of one group of lives over another, it's just to point out the gross hypocrisy of Americans in general, who go ape-shit over the victims of "terrorists" but are pretty comfortable with the much greater toll of "collateral damage" killing done by their own people.  Hey, too bad about Blackwater's guys getting all charges against them thrown out of court eh?  The American people really seem upset by it. 


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2010, 02:15:46 PM »
No, if I seem to dwell on the victims of the US military more than I do on the victims of the "terrorists," it's not because of differences in the intrinsic value of one group of lives over another, it's just to point out the gross hypocrisy of Americans in general, who go ape-shit over the victims of "terrorists" but are pretty comfortable with the much greater toll of "collateral damage" killing done by their own people.

I haven't seen where you treat the intrinsic value of lives equally. I do agree that you take every opportunity to shine the light on the US instead of examining your own shortcomings.


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2010, 02:26:26 PM »
I'm sure Tee can produce a plethora of posts from Americans, especially those here in the saloon, who apparently have no problem with collateral deaths, and are completely comfortable with them.  (I wonder how he defines "comfortable"?)

*cues the jeapordy theme*
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2010, 07:54:13 PM »
<<I haven't seen where you treat the intrinsic value of lives equally. I do agree that you take every opportunity to shine the light on the US instead of examining your own shortcomings.>>

Thats because I don't have any real shortcomings, and specifically, because I'm not running all over the globe killing, raping, torturing and maiming.  Your comments are akin to the citizen who wants to know why the police are wasting so much time on tracking down serial killers instead of organizing massive crackdowns on overtime parking.


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2010, 08:02:16 PM »
Quote's just to point out the gross hypocrisy of Americans in general, who go ape-shit over the victims of "terrorists" but are pretty comfortable with the much greater toll of "collateral damage" killing done by their own people

I'm sure Tee can produce a plethora of posts from Americans, especially those here in the saloon, who apparently have no problem with collateral deaths, and are completely comfortable with them.

Didn't think so.  As most everyone else, including our visitors, can deduce as well
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle