After watching the Baker/Hamilton recommendations, via a q and a from reporters just now on TV, I have need of no further explanation as to why aides must follow Herbert Walker around with a mop.
Rove, the Neocons, Cheney/Halliburton/todas corporate obscene profits et al, and the mentally simple sinecure W have been indicted by the panel.
Addressing the Florida legislature during a session laudingly celebrating the departing Florida govenor Jeb--who has been the real hope of the family Bush--Pappy broke down righteously.
Several pundits suggested up through yesterday that pappy weeped for Jeb, who was somehow benched by the Neocons, orchestrated by Rove, and whose further chances for a presidential bid--directly due to Jeb's robotic defense of the Rove faction's multiplying failures, as well as the prim and pathetically pathological Katherine Harris' almost transparent con-job--are slim to none.
Surely Herbert Walker knew the general gist of the panel's findings and recommendations, and the public humiliation that was going to follow a few days' hence. Herbert Walker, by blood default, had to step aside and say nothing. One can imagine the personal feelings of a former president who has been approached by his former guard and told that his errant son's continued and single-minded arrogance is putting this nation in escalatingly recalcitrant peril.
Clearly his weeping was also influenced by the fact that the old guard, as well as the multitudinous defections of Republican pols in DC, have stepped up to challenge the embarassingly uninformed right wing christian who is welded--by pathology--to a single concept: stay the course.
It seems apparent to me, at least, that Herbert Walker's grief was largely influenced by W's now univerally recognized abject failure, and that his forced-upon-us war may quite possibly evolve as the most salient American political debacle of the century.