Author Topic: Just speculating.......(this will include politics)  (Read 2101 times)

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Just speculating.......(this will include politics)
« on: September 01, 2010, 03:39:10 PM »
Transiting from my earlier opinion as to the decrease in postings, I can't help but delve into one of the reasons why I'm guessing we've seen such a decline in viewership/postership, outside of less time for such postings.


Lemme esplain.  When he came on, he was practically on a socialist chariot, with flaming horses, you could refer to as the substantial Democrat majorities in both the House & Senate.  The hard left thought they saw their socialist savior.  The moderates & Independents thought they saw someone that could bridge the polarization supposedly brought about by Bush.  The right, knew what they were getting, and had no problem opining such

In other words, he was the blank slate many had seen him as, as folks painted him they way they assumed he was to be.

Enter 2010.  Every policy item has failed miserably.  The Stimulus was a bust.  Pork barrel spending is out of control.  The Debt is greater than all other presidents combined.  Transparency is non existant.  And we haven't had a more polarized country since.....well, since I've been following politics. 

The Left sees that.  The hard left in particular is truely dumbfounded as to why Obama didn't stick to his liberal agenda, and forcefeed the the American people Obamacare on steroids.  He had his majorites, he had his supposed "mandate".  So, the left is largely disillusioned.  There's no motivation there, as they see what everyone else sees....a tectonic defeat this coming Nov

Moderates are coming to see what the Right knew all along, Obama is a hard core leftest.  He uses race to try and shield himself from criticism, when not using the "blame Bush" mantra.  He's tried (and succeeded in many cases) to impose far greater Federal control of the private sector, with mandates, regulations, if not all out government control, via non elected Czars, or legislative fiat.  Moderates are not all that fond of criticizing, they want to seek compromise.  They're not going to get it with This Administration or with this congress, so they're going to let the vote do the talking/posting

What's left is the Right, which ironically feeds off the dysfunction of the left.  With the left so disillusioned, there's little to motivate them outside of the occasional slur aimed at Palin or the Tea Party or a conservative member of the saloon, to post, thus the right doesn't have much to repsond to

Or, people just don't have the same time on their hands to post.  One of the 2     ;)
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Re: Just speculating.......(this will include politics)
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 07:28:01 PM »
i know this sounds crazy....
but i almost dread the republicans taking congress
it will open the flood gates of the leftwing media attack dogs
right now they cant really blame republicans
but next year it will be non-stop "it's all the republicans fault"
"the Republicans wont work with President Obama"
"the Republicans are causing gridlock"
"it's the Republicans fault"
blah blah blah....
then it will be in 2011
"well if Democrats are elected they will be able to work with the President"
"if you want gridlock vote Republican".....
Katie Couric will be in full Democratic Talking Points mode...if she still has a job!
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Re: Just speculating.......(this will include politics)
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 07:57:39 PM »
I left something out. The media. Thank you CU4.

The media is part and parcel to what's keeping this country run by politicians who couldn't care less about the people. It looks like they're slowly becoming obsolete, but they still lead people astray everyday. There are alternatives now that show the state run media for what it is.

As for the discussion in here, it’s always been contentious. This small group however, can’t go on with only one side represented. It also can’t go on with nothing but insults and flames. I’ve been around a long time. I’ve had discussions with people I disagree with and learned from it. I’ve also wanted to strangle some people. I’d rather learn than burn, if you know what I mean.
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Re: Just speculating.......(this will include politics)
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 08:11:21 PM »
Managing Editor David Kupelian takes on America's 'state-run media'-------------------------
Posted: August 29, 2010

Dear WorldNetDaily reader,

Everyone reading this knows exactly why we elected the most destructive and dangerous president in American history.

It's because Barack Obama had an advantage no other presidential candidate has ever had ? the total, unabashed support of the "mainstream media," which was so enchanted by the prospect of a young, eloquent, cool, liberal ? and for the first time in history, black ? president, that they ignored his anti-American, socialist and communist associations and his unbelievably subversive track record. Instead of vetting him as was their solemn duty, the media lifted him high overhead and giddily raced across the finish line, all the while reassuring Americans Obama would be a great, "historic" and "transformative" president.

As if to assuage their guilt, immediately after Election Day, when it no longer mattered, Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell publicly admitted the paper's reporters and editors had utterly neglected to vet either Obama, who "deserved tougher scrutiny," or Biden ? an omission she referred to as "one gaping hole in [the Post's] coverage."

But the problem with journalism today is not just "gaping holes in coverage" and temporary abdication of professional journalism standards. Our "big media" have come increasingly to resemble the state-run press we see in China, with its gigantic Xinhua "News" Agency, in reality a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party. Or maybe a more apt comparison would be with Russia, where although criticism of the government can be found in some newspapers and on the Internet, the country's national television channels are essentially extensions of the state: "They are all either controlled by the Kremlin or run by editors who know what not to say," says Allison Gill, director of the Human Rights Watch office in Russia.

Here's the problem: You cannot have a free country without a free press. Yet America's "big media" today ? especially the national broadcast and cable TV news (except Fox), as well as the major trendsetting newspapers like the New York Times ? have devolved into a de facto government propaganda ministry.

That's where WorldNetDaily comes in.

At WND, we don't mock patriotic Americans trying to set their country right. We don't rewrite White House press releases and call it news. We don't bow and scrape before President Obama or anyone else. We don't pretend abortion is OK, or that same-sex marriage is good, or that global warming is "proven science," or that more government is the solution to all problems, or that Palestinian leaders wants peace, or that the Constitution is old-fashioned, or that the "Federal Reserve" is good for America. In short, we're not politically correct and we have no sacred cows. Instead, our team of experienced, professional journalists strives to do one thing ? to tell the truth that Americans desperately need and deserve to hear.

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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle