Author Topic: Bush memoir in 1.5 month sells nearly as many copies as Clinton has in 6 years!  (Read 5562 times)

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Bush's memoir sells 2m copies in a month -
nearly as many as Bill Clinton's sold in six years

By Daily Mail Reporter

23rd December 2010

Former U.S. President George W Bush's memoir has sold an astonishing two million copies
since it was released in early November - and it's not even in paperback yet.

'Decision Points', published both in hardcover and e-book form, is flying off the shelves,
the Crown Publishing Group says.

By contrast, former president Bill Clinton's memoir, 'My Life', has logged sales of 2.2million
copies since it was first published in 2004.

A spokesman for Crown called the performance remarkable.

He claimed he could not think of any other hardcover nonfiction books in 2010 that had sold
even one million copies, much less two.

In 'Decision Points,' Mr Bush recounts the inner workings of the White House and his administration
following the September 11 attacks, including decisions that led to the wars in Afghanistan in Iraq.

He recounts parts of his childhood, speaks lovingly of his family and wife, and wonders about how
history will judge him.

Gotcha, Bill: Mr Bush's book, left, has sold nearly as many copies
in a month as former President Bill Clinton's has in six years

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Every presidential book will always sell a lot of copies, because libraries order them.

A large number of books of this sort are purchased for gifts. They are not bought by those who read them, but as gifts for others. I hardly think that sales figures are related to the content or readability of the book.

Juniorbush was secretive throughout his time in office. Clinton was far less secretive. Most of the Monica Lewinsky story was hashed to pieces in the press.

This is related to the phenomena by which rightwing talk radio has more listeners than leftwing radio. It has to do with the psychology of the personalities involved.

I have no real desire to read either book, other than excerpts published in magazines.
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I hardly think that sales figures are related to the content or readability of the book.

So if what you say it's even across the board then how do you explain Bush selling more books in a few months compared to Clinton over 6 years? Don't bother explaining it, or shall I say don't bother with the XO spin and shuffle. We have all heard your BS before.


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Yeah, first you ask me to explain it, then you tell me that you won't believe anything I say. But that is par for you, as you are not a rational being.

As I said, a large number of these books are gifts. Rightwingers need people to tell them how to think. They need preachers to tell then what to worship and how, they need Rush to tell them what to think, and they like to quote people they think are important, like Juniorbush.

Bush ran an administration that acted in extreme secrecy. Clinton less so.

I see no serious significance in Juniorbush's book outselling Clintons. I bet Bush;s book hits the yard sales and closeout sales sooner. I have seen Going Rogue at four remainder sales and two yard sales already.

In any election Clinton would easily trounce any Bush.
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Either Liberals are few compared to Conservatives , or Liberals read little compared to conservatives.


Liberals are reading Bush book.


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During the Bush administration we had 9/11, the start of the wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq, hurricane Katrina, and an almost total collapse of the American financial system. I suspect that that list might have something to do with the sale of the book.



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Interesting things happened during the Clinton administration also, includeing wars that we won.

But why would you buy a Clinton book when the author is a well established liar , better to buy the Bush Book which is a lot less likely to be a fictional account.


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I think that the Clinton string of scandals wrung all of the interesting out of him early.

Too much examination and explanation ahead of the book, didn't everybody feel that they knew that story ?


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Clinton was hardly more fictional than Juniorbush. But it is accurate to say that there was less mystery involved in what Clinton did than in what Juniorbush did.

When he said "I did not have sex with that woman", the reality is that he could have accurately said "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman".

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Clinton was hardly more fictional than Juniorbush. But it is accurate to say that there was less mystery involved in what Clinton did than in what Juniorbush did.

When he said "I did not have sex with that woman", the reality is that he could have accurately said "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman".

No , to be perfectly true ,he would have had to say, that he did not have vaginal sexual intercourse with that one woman , Monica Lewenski.


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Sexual intercourse is pretty much always vaginal. There are other words for other sorts of acts.

I do not believe that it was illegal, nor particular deleterious to the country, if not for the tons of moralistic publicity it generated.
Still, he should have not done it, because surely he knows what a bunch of moralistic puritans Americans are.
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Sexual intercourse is pretty much always vaginal. There are other words for other sorts of acts.

I do not believe that it was illegal, nor particular deleterious to the country, if not for the tons of moralistic publicity it generated.
Still, he should have not done it, because surely he knows what a bunch of moralistic puritans Americans are.

So Homosexuals can't have intercourse?


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No, they can have anal intercourse (aka buggery) or oral sex.

sexual intercourse requires two sex organs, as I am sure you are aware.
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No, they can have anal intercourse (aka buggery) or oral sex.

sexual intercourse requires two sex organs, as I am sure you are aware.

Seems as if I have had this arguement with Gannemede.

I was in agreement with you that there is only one real sex act.