Author Topic: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling  (Read 1406 times)

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If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« on: January 02, 2011, 12:27:12 AM »
If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling, a Nazis connection to Liberalism...

Melissa Busekros is finally home, but it took almost three months for the 16-year-old German to return. Along the way, she went halfway around the world, through a psychiatric ward, a children's home, and foster careā€”all because her parents homeschool her.

Homeschooling is illegal in Germany. A Nazi-era prohibition, the ban grew out of Hitler's worry that too much parental control would supersede the state's influence. According to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), Germany has about 400 homeschooling families. Most teach clandestinely or are in court. Parents who homeschool face fines, imprisonment, and loss of custody of their children.

Despite the risk, when disruptive classes made Melissa fall behind in math and Latin, her parents decided to tutor her at home. She took advanced courses in English and French and sang in the school choir at a community college, but the school she had been attending noticed her absence and alerted authorities.

The family skirted the police for months, even sending Melissa to Australia to avoid the state of Bavaria taking her into custody. But on Feb. 1, 15 police officers in multiple cars arrived at the Busekros home and took Melissa, then 15 years old. "It was like the Russian invasion of [Czechoslovakia] or Hungary," said Melissa's father, Hubert Busekros.

In custody Melissa underwent a psychiatric evaluation that found she had "school phobia." The state placed her in a clinic's psychiatric wing for two weeks. She complained and said she preferred being homeschooled, but officials told her this was the result of "tyrannical" parents forcing her into it.

After a quick stay at a Catholic girls' home, authorities then placed her with a foster family Feb. 16. The family "tried to make it good for me there," Melissa told WORLD. Every week, she was allowed one phone call home and a two-hour visit with her parents at the children's home. Nonetheless, she said, "I thought I would be home at least by the end of March."

As the months passed, Melissa decided to resolve matters herself. From conversations with her lawyer and parents, she knew that turning 16 would give her more rights to decide where to live. So on her birthday, April 23, at 10 minutes past midnight, she left her foster family as they slept.

She wrote her foster parents a goodbye letter and took a few belongings, but left behind most of her clothes and schoolbooks. She swung her petite 5-foot, 107-pound frame out her window onto the ground below, then trekked across fields and forest, gradually working her way home to Erlangen some 60 miles away. Not wanting local authorities to know her exact escape route, she declined to give details: "It's my secret," she said.

After some three hours of travel, Melissa arrived on her parents' doorstep around 3 a.m. Her mother was still awake, doing some ironing. With their eldest child gone, the Busekroses found it hard to sleep some nights. Gudrun Busekros gasped when she saw her daughter, and quickly woke Melissa's two sisters and three brothers.

For now, the Busekroses are happy to have Melissa home. A second psychiatric evaluation found the teenager is normal and not suffering from "school phobia," which helped along the family's appeal. On May 16, the family won a major court appeal that returned Melissa to her parents' custody. Her family plans to educate her from home in hopes that she can enter a university.

In most cases German courts rule against homeschooling families. "They don't want parallel societies," said Michael Donnelly of HSLDA, who has been following Melissa's case. Though private and religious schools exist in Germany, they often teach the same material used by state schools.

Germany's bias against homeschooling is similar to resistance in the United States 25 years ago, said Donnelly, when few states allowed the practice. But U.S. states eventually fell back on a strong American tradition of private education, which Germany lacks, Donnelly said. Melissa's gumption has helped the German homeschooling cause, but larger battles remain ahead.


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 03:02:47 PM »
I don't think that most Liberals have any complaints about the institution of home schooling. I have never heard of them opposing Amish schools, which teach only the necessary basics of life in Amish farm communities and end at the 6th grade. But I imagine anyone that is sane would oppose Wahhabbi Muslim home schooling with a curriculum in bomb making and suicidal jihad.
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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 06:50:24 PM »
I don't think that most Liberals have any complaints about the institution of home schooling. I have never heard of them opposing Amish schools, which teach only the necessary basics of life in Amish farm communities and end at the 6th grade. But I imagine anyone that is sane would oppose Wahhabbi Muslim home schooling with a curriculum in bomb making and suicidal jihad.

Well, if you had read the article for comprehension, then you would have learned that your thinking is wrong; since (everybody knows) Liberals over-populate Germany and that is where home schooling is pretty much illegal, outlawed, looked down on, and basically anyone that does it is considered a criminal. Did you miss that part in the article?

And yes (it goes without saying that) any sane person would oppose Wahhabbi Muslim home schooling with a curriculum in bomb making and suicidal jihad. I might add that any sane person would not appose home schooling in general, because test scores of home schooled children are far superior to the majority of publicly educated children.


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 07:04:17 PM »

Psych studies ordered for jailed homeschooling dad
Just wanted to spend time with state-napped son

Read more: Psych studies ordered for jailed homeschooling dad


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2011, 03:12:52 PM »
Germans oppose home schooling because they see it as detrimental to their culture, and you will find that this opinion is prevalent across the entire spectrum of beliefs in Germany. It is insane to claim that all those who oppose homeschooling are Liberals because they favor homeschooling.

Home schooling has NOT been proven superior. All home schooled students are not evaluated. Neither are all private and public school graduates evaluated. SOME home schooled students outperform other students schooled in public schools: that is not the same thing.

I do not know a single home schooled student graduate. None of my students in 40 years of teaching was home schooled. I believe that it is possible that a home schooled child could out perform a public school child, I am unconvinced that everyone would benefit from home schooling. Some people have parents who are drunkards and idiots and unqualified to school anyone.

I do not associate home schooling with any political movement. You can do so all you wish.
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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2011, 05:32:03 PM »
Germans oppose home schooling because they see it as detrimental to their culture, and you will find that this opinion is prevalent across the entire spectrum of beliefs in Germany. It is insane to claim that all those who oppose homeschooling are Liberals because they favor homeschooling.

Home schooling has NOT been proven superior. All home schooled students are not evaluated. Neither are all private and public school graduates evaluated. SOME home schooled students outperform other students schooled in public schools: that is not the same thing.

I do not know a single home schooled student graduate. None of my students in 40 years of teaching was home schooled. I believe that it is possible that a home schooled child could out perform a public school child, I am unconvinced that everyone would benefit from home schooling. Some people have parents who are drunkards and idiots and unqualified to school anyone.

I do not associate home schooling with any political movement. You can do so all you wish.

Was George Washington, Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln or Thomas Edison educated through a (state run) public school system like what our children attend? The answer is NO

Do Liberals want a (state run) public education system because: a. they can indoctrinate children and b. support union causes? The answers are yes & yes
« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 05:41:30 PM by Kramer »


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2011, 10:46:58 PM »
I do not know a single home schooled student graduate. None of my students in 40 years of teaching was home schooled. I believe that it is possible that a home schooled child could out perform a public school child, I am unconvinced that everyone would benefit from home schooling.

A friend of mine and his wife home school all of their children. The two eldest both entered college early (at 16) and the first graduated with a BS in Engineering from the University of Minnesota after three years.

Your relatively few students are not necessarily indicative of the vast majority of students out there.
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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2011, 11:54:04 PM »
Teachers do not use their jobs to spread the union cause effectively. If they did, union membership would be increasing.

People homeschool their children for a dozen different reasons. If the parents are good teachers, they get a good education. If the parents are idiots, they do not.

When we hear of some homeschooled kid who got into MIT, Yale or Harvard, we hear about it.

When some other homeschooled kid remains illiterate for the rest of his life, we do not.

I shudder to think of what crap a fool like you would inflict on an innocent young child.

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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2011, 01:24:52 AM »
Teachers do not use their jobs to spread the union cause effectively. If they did, union membership would be increasing.

People homeschool their children for a dozen different reasons. If the parents are good teachers, they get a good education. If the parents are idiots, they do not.

When we hear of some homeschooled kid who got into MIT, Yale or Harvard, we hear about it.

When some other homeschooled kid remains illiterate for the rest of his life, we do not.

I shudder to think of what crap a fool like you would inflict on an innocent young child.

Teacher unions are probably filled with 1/3 - 1/2 moral, Judea-Christian, decent people, that dislike the union positions but have little say in what the unions support and where they spend union money. Enough public education teachers disagree, yet keep silent, because of peer pressure, and other oppressive & overbearing Lib tactics. Lib wackos would like everyone to believe that their crazy life-styles should be accepted behavior by all, but in reality most people find them to be offensive and disgusting. No one wants to called anti-gay, yet to any normal man, sucking another mans cock is disgusting, offensive, and vulgar. Of course Libs would have us all believing that cock-sucking (by men and boys to each other) is OK. Of course if there were no teacher unions, and really why do we need them, most of this nonsense would not take place in any normal learning institution. That's why private schools in most cases are immune to this sort of thing, especially when they choose to be Conservative. And of course private schools can bring God onto campus, and we all know that Libs are afraid of God. That's why Libs will die in the process of trying to hold together their public school/education, state run, tax-payer bonanza of monies agenda in order to continue brainwashing & controlling our children to spread their warped views all over our so-called free society.


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2011, 06:48:34 AM »
Being as I have actually worked as a teacher for four decades, and I actually KNOW something about it, I can assure you that teachers elect those who manage their unions. The leaders follow the teachers, NOT the other way around. Teachers are not teamsters from the days of Jimmy Hoffa.

You do not know diddly about teachers or teacher unions, only what your rightwing ratbastard reactionary puppeteers tell you.

No one is afraid of God. Being God-fearing is something that Neanderthals thought was a good thing, buyt now it is just a passe way of looking at religion. As I recall you are the one who was unaware of the Nicene Cred as a part of the Christian message, especially the part about "I believe in the resurrection of the body.

You don't know anything about teachers, unions or your own wacky religion.
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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2011, 11:39:04 AM »
Being as I have actually worked as a teacher for four decades, and I actually KNOW something about it, I can assure you that teachers elect those who manage their unions. The leaders follow the teachers, NOT the other way around. Teachers are not teamsters from the days of Jimmy Hoffa.

You do not know diddly about teachers or teacher unions, only what your rightwing ratbastard reactionary puppeteers tell you.

No one is afraid of God. Being God-fearing is something that Neanderthals thought was a good thing, buyt now it is just a passe way of looking at religion. As I recall you are the one who was unaware of the Nicene Cred as a part of the Christian message, especially the part about "I believe in the resurrection of the body.

You don't know anything about teachers, unions or your own wacky religion.

As I recall you are the one who was unaware of the Nicene Cred as a part of the Christian message, especially the part about "I believe in the resurrection of the body.

Don't have a clue how you connected me to this crap but it's definitely your MO!! Once again you are full of shit! Your rebuttal is simply an opinion with no facts to back it up.


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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2011, 12:19:14 PM »
I do not care whether anyone home schools their children. I do not believe that Liberals as a group care, either. I understand why the Germans think it could be a problem, but I don't agree with them.

I can't help it if your memory is as defective as your brain. You started this with outrageous nonsense as always.

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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2011, 12:29:28 PM »
I do not care whether anyone home schools their children. I do not believe that Liberals as a group care, either. I understand why the Germans think it could be a problem, but I don't agree with them.

I can't help it if your memory is as defective as your brain. You started this with outrageous nonsense as always.



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Re: If I'm not mistaken, Liberals dislike Home Schooling
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2011, 12:40:23 PM »
In the case of Kramer and Richpo any schooling at all would be beneficial.
