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Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« on: January 14, 2011, 12:55:10 AM »
Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run

By Christian Boone

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
9:40 p.m. Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Atlanta businessman and conservative activist Herman Cain announced Wednesday he was launching a presidential exploratory committee, bringing him one step closer to a bid for the GOP nomination in 2012.

"We are now going to test the waters for voter support and financial support," Cain told Fox News' Neil Cavuto Wednesday afternoon.

The former Godfather's Pizza CEO confirmed his plans to Condace Pressley, assistant program director at 750 AM and now 95.5 FM News Talk WSB, where he hosts a nightly talk show.

On that show Wednesday, he said he is considering a run for office to "make this a better world" for his three grandchildren. He said the White House needs a president "that will listen to the people first" and who is "a problem solver... that's what I've done my entire business career." He said the "American dream is under attack" by excessive legislation, regulation and taxation.

Cain, a self-acknowledged "dark horse" who has never held a political office, has proven popular with Tea Party activists who like his message of fiscal conservatism and personal responsibility. Supporters have already launched a "Draft Herman Cain" website.

No Republicans have formally announced for president, but former governors Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are considered leading contenders.

"I'm a problem solver. That's what business people do," Cain told Cavuto. Cain made an unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in 2004. "There are a lot of people out there ready for an unconventional candidate."

The Stage 4 colon and liver cancer survivor said he's been cancer-free for more than four years. "My body doesn't even look like it had cancer," Cain said, quoting his oncologist.

When asked if he would fund his own campaign, the former Navy mathematician said, "No. Won't have to.  I'm not trying to buy myself an election."

Staff writer Ty Tagami contributed to this article.


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 08:29:54 AM »
An unlikely candidate for a nomination. Businessmen make awful presidents: Hoover and Juniorbush are examples of this.

Government is more complicated than peddling pizzas.
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 09:51:44 AM »
An unlikely candidate for a nomination. Businessmen make awful presidents: Hoover and Juniorbush are examples of this.

Government is more complicated than peddling pizzas.

clearly GW Bush was a better president than Obama. A moron like you should be able to see that. A calculator will easily prove I'm right!


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2011, 12:25:19 PM »
I like Herman Cain.....don't think he could win in 2012
but he could play an important role in many ways.
He could set an example to African Americans that the Left is not in their long term best interests.
He could possibly be a VP choice depending who is the nominee.

Herman Cain on Cavuto Tells What's Wrong With Obama's Speech on Healthcare
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2011, 01:27:06 PM »
He has a .001 chance of getting the nomination.
What kluxers are left, and in the GOP, and he his political experience is zilch.
I would not entrust a mechanic to fix my car who had never touched a wrench, and I would not imagine that someone who has never campaigned for anything would be trusted with the nomination to the highest office in the country. Obama proved he could be elected to the IL legislature and the Senate. This guy has proven that he can peddle pizzas. BFD. Papa John would have a much better chance, because he has better ingredients, and not a brand associated with the Mafia ie Godfather's. The Mafia is not noted for their pizza-making ability, after all.
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 01:55:08 PM »
XO you always tear every Republican possible candidate apart
with personal attacks about their weight, their religion, their
family, their color, ect....what I would like to know is who do
you think is a great Republican candidate for 2012?
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 07:49:10 PM »
    Being a great campaigner isn't the same as being a great govener either, is it?

What previous experience is most like being President?

Probly haveing a stage four Cancer.


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2011, 07:57:08 PM »
    Being a great campaigner isn't the same as being a great govener either, is it?

What previous experience is most like being President?

Probly haveing a stage four Cancer.

It's too SOON to have another R Candidate, running in 2012, with the last four letters of their name ending with CAIN.


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2011, 08:02:45 PM »
There are no great Republican candidates, so far as I can see. Hillary would be a great Democratic candidate, but I think Obama will be acceptable. The least awful Republican candidate would probably be Pawlenty.

I am unimpressed by businessmen turned politicians, with the possible exception of Bloomberg.

The Republican Party is for me the party of the eternal oligarchy that uses religious and social conservatives (homophobes, antiabortionists, war lovers, superChristians) to bolster the tiny minority of acquisitive greedheads at the core of the party. The Democrats are incompetent about half the time, but the Republicans generally screw up everything they touch--except for the greedheads at the core. They make out like the bandits they are almost without fail.

Republicans suck because the goals of the party suck. When Democrats suck, it is generally due to incompetence or dealings with dishonest individuals.

Both parties have men who get involved in sex scandals and have to leave politics because this is a very prudish country. They should know this, but they seem to think that they can get away with fooling around, and I am sure some do.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 08:21:33 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2011, 08:09:28 PM »
  Why do Democrat millionaires impress you more favorably?


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 08:25:49 PM »
Why do Democrat millionaires impress you more favorably?

They don't. I dislike people who are lone wolf types whose only game is acquisition and economic one upmanship.

I do like Bloomberg more than Murdock: he is a better person and much smarter.

I like Gates and Buffet a lot more than I like Trump. I favor Hershey over Mars and Turner over Scaife, because thewy care about other people.
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2011, 10:09:12 AM »
There are no great Republican candidates, so far as I can see.

Just what I thought you'd
So if a Republican wins in 2012 would he or she have been a good candidate?
Or in your blindness and/or intellectual dishonesty can a Democrat be the only "great candidate"?
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2011, 09:48:03 AM »
There are NO Republicans on the horizon, above it or below it that would, in my opinion, be adequate presidents.Rep[ublicans are, since Reagan, politically defective, not unlike a car with no brakes or engine.

The mantra of the GOP is "Government is the problem". People who believe this are unqualified to lead something that they believe is defective in concept. One does not buy shoes made by people who believe Man should go barefoot. One dose not select clothes designed by nudists, and one should not elect goddamn republicans to office until they show signs of believing that government can be a SOLUTION to be implements, NOT a problem to be suppressed.

I see nothing but logic in this point of view.

If a Republican wins in 2012, I am very likely to be impressed. The Florida GOP just selected its state party chair, a former state rep and ex-lobbyist accused of beating his wife, drunk driving and personal financial problems. Typical.

If Obama were White, the Kluxers could not have aimed most of their hate campaigns against him as an "alien", a figure to be parodied with whiteface minstrel masks and accused of being a Commie Kenyan Manchurian candidate. I see in him a capable leader being mistreated by morons with a hidden agenda: a few with the goal of acquiring an ever greater share of the national wealth for themselves and an army of demented sycophants who aspire to be masters of the Universe, but who will mostly die as peons.

As for "great candidate" I woudl say that Obama was a great candidate in 2008, being as he won against formidable odds. But we do not need  "great candidates". We need a great leader, and the greatness of American leaders rarely emerges until they are dead and gone for decades.

Our two party system is a guarantee that all elections will ooze negativity, since it is far easier to cause someone to be AGAINST than FOR. The Canadians seem to have a  system that works better. There was no Canadian housing mortgage crisis, Canadians are far less negative, and they can remove a truly incompetent leader in a flash with a vote of no confidence.
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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2011, 03:16:10 PM »
If Obama were White, ..........

He would have been Edwards?


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Re: Herman Cain inches closer to presidential run
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2011, 03:44:20 PM »
He would have simply been a different-appearing person, one that kluxers would not automatically loathe.

I do not see why Edward's fooling around would necessarily disqualify him from being an effective leader in a country less prudish than this one, by the way. I agree that Edwards was bright enough to understand the situation, but to write him off as totally incompetent is also not valid.
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