Not completely, as it had relevence to current reality. But it was a minimal issue, and hardly a declaration that the "point of the post" was some sirs' position of how this should shut the left up.
I realize what a defensive posture you've put yourself in, and rather than keep the saloon patrons from becoming nauseated at this irrelevant back & forth, that you've put so much time and energy in, with continued erroneous conclusions of what sirs was trying to say, here's what sirs was trying to say
Stossel, regardless of his party affiliation, has some huge ideas about bringing back fiscal discipline and constitutional accountability of the Federal Government. Perhaps the "Party of limited Government" might want to look these over, as politically unsavory as they might be. Perhaps saloon patrons may wish to discuss/debate the merits of some of these ideas
That was clearly my point, with the initial posting. Anything else was reading into it, what they WANTED to read into it.