from Lieberman's "persuasive essay" - -
<<Because of . . . the recent coming together of moderate political forces in Baghdad, the war is winnable. >>
Does anybody know WTF Lieberman is talking about? (just asking)
<<This bloodshed, moreover, is not the inevitable product of ancient hatreds. It is the predictable consequence of a failure to ensure basic security and, equally important, of a conscious strategy by al-Qaeda and Iran, which have systematically aimed to undermine Iraq's fragile political center. By ruthlessly attacking the Shiites in particular over the past three years, al-Qaeda has sought to provoke precisely the dynamic of reciprocal violence that threatens to consume the country.>>
That at least is true.
<<On this point, let there be no doubt: If Iraq descends into full-scale civil war, it will be a tremendous battlefield victory for al-Qaeda and Iran. >>
That's moronic. It'll be a victory for whoever wins the civil war. Al Qaeda doesn't have much of a chance. Iran's a winner no matter what outcome results. Iran was a winner from the day of the invasion. It'll still be a winner (by a lower margin) even if the Sunnis win the civil war.
<<To turn around the crisis we need to send more American troops while we also train more Iraqi troops and strengthen the moderate political forces in the national government. >>
Sure. You strengthen the moderates by showing everyone else your determination to conquer Iraq and bend Iraqis to your views. This is the most idiotic part of a generally idiotic speech. How do you strengthen moderates by invading their country and killing anyone who isn't "moderate" enough for you, the foreigners? The only ones who are "strengthened" by this are the extremists and the resistance.
<<After speaking with our military commanders and soldiers there . . . >>
Translation - - after speaking to every fucking moron I could find
<<I strongly believe that additional U.S. troops must be deployed to Baghdad and Anbar province -- an increase that will at last allow us to establish security throughout the Iraqi capital, hold critical central neighborhoods in the city, clamp down on the insurgency and defeat al-Qaeda in that province.>>
During which time all the insurgents will conveniently commit suicide or emigrate to Sweden so your collaborators won't have to worry about what happens after you leave.
<<In Baghdad and Ramadi, I found that it was the American colonels, even more than the generals, who were asking for more troops. In both places these soldiers showed a strong commitment to the cause of stopping the extremists. One colonel followed me out of the meeting with our military leaders in Ramadi and said with great emotion, "Sir, I regret that I did not have the chance to speak in the meeting, but I want you to know on behalf of the soldiers in my unit and myself that we believe in why we are fighting here and we want to finish this fight. We know we can win it.">>
So this guy who doesn't have the balls to speak up in a meeting wants the chance to fight mujahideen who have absolutely no fear of death.
<<In nearly four years of war, there have never been sufficient troops dispatched to accomplish our vital mission. The troop surge should be militarily meaningful in size, with a clearly defined mission.>>
Oh, yeah - - that's right. Don't forget to "clearly define their mission" before sending them over to die there; it'll look so much better. BTW, how come none of these Einsteins has clearly defined any mission for the cannon fodder they're planning to send over? Is it because there is no conceiveable mission that will alter the course of this disaster and a "clear definition" would just make the ridiculousness of it all the more apparent? NAH. Gotta be some other reason.
<<Just as the continuing carnage in Baghdad empowers extremists on all sides, establishing security there will open possibilities for compromise and cooperation on the Iraqi political front -- possibilities that simply do not exist today because of the fear gripping all sides.>>
Fear that will magically vanish with the "surge," which the stupid Iraqis will never realize cannot last for more than a few months.
<<I saw firsthand evidence in Iraq of the development of a multiethnic, moderate coalition against the extremists of al-Qaeda and against the Mahdi Army . . . >>
Yeah? Did you also by any chance notice any evidence of any monoethnic, extremist organizations opposed to the American invasion and/or its collaborators? (just askin)
<<We cannot abandon these brave Iraqi patriots who have stood up and fought the extremists and terrorists.>>
Can abandon and will abandon. "Brave patriots" is probably what the Nazis called the Vichy French, but in the end, a defeat is a defeat and a collaborator is a collaborator is a collaborator.