It's touching to see the faith you have in the AP's lawyers. However, I think that most reasonable businessmen, given the choice of
(a) firing one or more incompetent and/or dishonest employees (in a field where there are notoriously more job-seekers than job-holders) and just moving on - - or,
(b) committing what might possibly be a federal offence and hoping that the company's lawyers will be skillful enough, with or without the assistance and counsel of Amianthus, to get them off, in which case - - even if the lawyers DO get them off - - their reputation is shattered far beyond what it would have been had they just fired the reporters and moved on;
would, if they had a single fucking brain in their head, opt for choice (a), which has the added advantages of not leaving them vulnerable to perpetual blackmail by the bribed government official, not costing them any more money in bribes and lawyers' fees, not exposing them to further risk of embarrassment by keeping a bunch of dishonest and/or incompetent schmucks on the payroll, and last but not least, of doing the right thing.
In fact, the whole raft of advantages that arise from firing the reporters is so overwhelming, and the disadvantages of bribing the Iraqi so obviously wrong, that it is nowhere but in the fevered imagination of a rightwing fruitcake that one could even seriously entertain option for even a microsecond. It's what I mean EXACTLY when I say that the rightwing has got its head stuck up its ass so far that it has permanently lost all connection to the real world.