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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2011, 12:26:28 AM »

The government will not expand infinitely.


    Why not?


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2011, 09:50:50 AM »
The Obamas Silent in the Face of Race Atrocity

April 26, 2011

By Lauri B. Regan

For the average human being, it was not possible to watch the video of two black women beating the life out of a defenseless white woman at a McDonald's in Baltimore and not feel complete and total revulsion.  Adding to the horror was the knowledge that the black employees -- one who only half-heartedly attempted to intervene, one who was filming the barbarism, and perhaps others not seen on the video -- did absolutely nothing to save the white woman from her assailants.

While police investigations are focusing on whether the attack was a racially motivated hate crime, the LGBT group is also suggesting that the assault was a hate crime due to the victim being a transgender woman, notwithstanding what appears to be a lack of evidence that the woman's sexual status was known by her assailants.  In either case, it is clear from the video that the monsters beating their helpless prey were filled with animal blood lust that was completely inhuman.

One of the first thoughts that I had when trying to process this heinous assault that left the woman bleeding from her mouth and seizing violently on the ground was how it reminded me of the days of wilding, the Central Park jogger case in particular, and of all the other senseless hate crimes that occur in our cities.

But more importantly, I then thought about the fact that we have a black president who so far has remained silent about the crime.  Barack Obama was vociferously outspoken when his black buddy Louis Gates was properly and justifiably arrested by white officers in Boston two years ago.  However, when a white woman is brutally beaten to a pulp by two black women less than an hour from the White House, our POTUS has nothing to say on the subject.

And the reason that this is so offensive is two-fold: (i) Barack Hussein Obama was supposed to be our post-racial president bridging the racial divide and healing the country's wounds; and (ii) Michelle Obama has spent the better part of the past two and a half years as first lady dictating to America's youth what they should and should not be eating rather than helping them learn how they should and should not be acting.

With regard to our FLOTUS, where does one begin?  While she gallivants across the globe on the taxpayer dime eating up delicious delicacies, she has chosen attacking the nation's childhood obesity problem as her raison d'?tre.  And while childhood obesity may be a serious problem, I maintain that Michelle Obama is not the appropriate spokesperson for a multitude of reasons including her hypocrisy on the issue, her lavish lifestyle (that affords her the opportunity to eat as she desires and work it off the next day with her personal trainer), her lack of medical expertise, and her pathetic attempt to address the social and psychological issues underlying the problem.

Instead of telling people what they should order if they enter a McDonald's, the first lady should be teaching people how to act when they enter a McDonald's or any other public place.  This is not a racist suggestion -- the suggestion is no different from Barack Obama telling young children that they can all fulfill their dreams since, as a minority, he was able to ascend to the highest office in the land.

Perhaps Michelle Obama has not watched the video clip of two black women beating the white woman to a pulp.  If she has not, she should.  And perhaps it will move her to stop talking about food and start talking about behavior, because with her fancy vacations, personal chef, elaborate parties, and other sundry benefits of the job comes responsibility.

And while I could go on for pages on Barack Obama's failures in office, what is relevant here is just how empty his rhetoric continues to be.  For not only has he been an absentee president on multiple levels, but he has been the missing link in what was a real opportunity to bridge the racial divide that has been ailing our country.

In his famous "race speech" Obama stated:

[R]ace is an issue that I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now. ... And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come together and solve challenges like health care, or education, or the need to find good jobs for every American.

What we have already achieved gives us hope - the audacity to hope - for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

Well it is tomorrow and our absentee president is, well, absent.  Healing the country's wounds is tough business.  One cannot have the audacity to hope but then remain silent in the face of atrocities like that which occurred at a McDonald's restaurant this week.

Obama has not hesitated to interject himself into a multitude of domestic issues including the Louis Gates arrest (in which he opined, "what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately"), the Ground Zero Mosque controversy (in which he discussed "
  • ur capacity to show not merely tolerance, but respect to those who are different from us"), and the Wisconsin budget protests (in which he stated that Governor Walker's legislation was "an assault on unions").

In Obama's world, African-Americans, Muslims, and unions are victims who deserve presidential support.  There will be no prosecuting New Black Panthers who terrorize white voters, there will be a worldwide reach out to Islamic terrorists, and union thugs will be given carte blanche to bully members and non-members alike.  But white transgender women are on their own.

Obama went on in his infamous speech:

A lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one's family, contributed to the erosion of black families -- a problem that welfare policies for many years may have worsened. And the lack of basic services in so many urban black neighborhoods...all helped create a cycle of violence, blight and neglect that continue to haunt us.

Well yes they do continue to haunt us but blaming a lack of "economic opportunity" on the "cycle of violence" is disingenuous, lazy, and disgusting.  It is disgusting because Obama seemingly justifies violence in the same manner that Palestinian apologists use to justify the murder of innocent Israeli civilians.  Mr. President, violence is not a natural and acceptable consequence of economic strife in a civilized society.

In yet another Obama speech he stated the following:

But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized -- at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do -- it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.

Mr. President, it is time to stop talking.  Perhaps instead of going to George Washington University to give a campaign speech justifying your abysmal economic policies, you should visit inner city schools and teach kids respect for human life and common decency.  Take on the responsibilities of office which include immediately denouncing this act of violence and begin to address the cause full steam ahead. Move past your own resentments and anger about the travails of poor black Americans since the beginning of time and take proactive steps to help them learn to value life -- not government handouts and entitlements and certainly not violence.

I am not suggesting that what happened at the McDonald's in Baltimore is the Obamas' fault.  But I am strongly advocating that they use their remaining time in office (God willing, only 19 more months) to the betterment of society.  And what society needs desperately is a toning down of the anger, racism, and class warfare that the Obamas are fomenting.

Our country needs individuals in the White House who lead by example, who teach right from wrong, and who understand that no matter how much you share the wealth, there will always be people who remain devoid of morals and values until they are taught otherwise.  The Ones who promised the country hope and change have done nothing to implement the promises they made to the black community or the country as a whole.  It is time they owned up to their responsibilities to the people.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2011, 10:28:54 AM »
that article nicely sums it up!


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2011, 11:30:29 AM »
There is NO reason for the President to come out and denounce any criminal act before it goes to a grand jury or a trial.

The cop that arrested Gates was stupid. He had no reason to do this, and at most it was a minor misdemeanor. This case involves major possibly permanent harm to a human being, and it is up to the courts to decide what to do and how to do it.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #64 on: April 27, 2011, 12:31:25 AM »
   I hope we can all stop thinking of the situation of our races as a zero sum game.

    Such that everything my race gets , it gets at the cost to your race.

      It just doesn't have to be that way, that is the path twards Natzism and we know already how nasty white fascists can be , it wasn't their whiteness , it was their willingness to violently take , murder , destroy and lie.

       If we ever see black Natzis they won't be worse , nor better.

      The better possibility is a win- win situation , and I don't know any reason that can't be created, such that we all build , earn , encourage , heal and educate each other and all advance together.

         Practicly the opposite of Natzism , probly good for us all.


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #65 on: April 27, 2011, 03:32:26 AM »
I blame the notion of cultural preservation. people simply don`t get just by being in america ther culture is changed. thier is not a single thing here that exactly resemble any country of origin and it shouldn`t . look at cajun food. suppose to be french food but the difference is cajun food is way more popular.

chinese food here is way different than in china. here beijing food has rice, beijing has no rice in its food. I say let it all mix and anything worth keeping will naturally be intake.  like chicken fried steak which is actually amerrican wiener schnitzel

speakinmg of which here in the west coast we got all the asian,italian food.

but no eastern europen stuff-polish or hungarian

does the midwest ,the south or east coast  has such food??

I know french sort of fizzle world-wide


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2011, 08:19:30 AM »
speakinmg of which here in the west coast we got all the asian,italian food.

but no eastern europen stuff-polish or hungarian

I'm guessing you haven't looked hard enough. I had no problems finding such when I was out in Cali a few months ago. And the best restaurant we ate at was French, on Sunset Blvd.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2011, 08:42:42 AM »
Cajun food is more popular in the US because it is more like American food.

French food is exquisite. The main problem is that it is also expensive, and in the US has become infected with snobbery as well. There are great French restaurants all over the world, but they do not have mass appeal because of the price, which is partially dependent on the cost of the ingredients. There are no bargain truffles.

The most food for the least money in any sizable US city is the classic Chinese all you can eat buffet. Eat anything you want, and as much as you want, until you explode, like the guy in the Monty Python film.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2011, 08:57:16 AM »
going out with friends and talking about where to eat. french food will extremely rarely be mentioned.  i got admit didn`t look that hard for eastern european food. I try the next time i crave pig knuckle , which is all the time

I had chinese buffet last sat. It felt great to cheat on my low bp diet once in awhile. these places are great when you crave seafood for a low cost.


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #69 on: April 27, 2011, 09:05:36 AM »
There was a great article in the Atlantic Monthly (or perhaps Harper's) about a Western guy who went on a tour of Europe with a group of Chinese tourists. The one thing they did NOT indulge in was European food. No Paté de fois gras, no Belgian waffles, no bangers and mash, no bratwurst, only Chinese breakfasts, lunches and dinners in Chinese restaurants.

There is an EXCELLENT (by my standards) French buffet in Paris which had French food and all you can eat as well. One could get by very well with just the croissant and coffee for breakfast and one huge meal at said buffet. I can't recall the name, but it was only a block from a Metro station. They had wine as well,(but of course) but you paid extra for a glass, a carafe or a 750 ml bottle.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2011, 09:17:35 AM »
actually that kinda makes sense.

so far 100% of my friends who is asian hated the food in france. the most common complaint is they're making the food wrong.

I`m ok with french food but I don`t count I wasn`t raised eating asian food. upbringing has a great impact on food preference. I eat this plum that most americans find disgusting except for ones who grew up in high asian population places(ex hawaii) those folks crave those plums


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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2011, 11:32:58 AM »
Food is a matter of taste.

I bought some sort of tea in a Chinese market based on the label, which included the word "delicious", which as I recall was misspelled.

It was UNSPEAKABLY AWFUL! The taste was worse that chewing penicillin or any other pill that I have ever tasted. I cannot imagine how any human being could possibly call that stuff delicious. I tried it out on my cat. My cat will eat bugs and lizards. No go. I sprinkled in catnip, still no interest.

Taste is, of course, a matter of taste. Some of my Taiwanese buddy's favorite dishes are okay, others ate tasty, others can only be described as icky and repulsive in every way: taste, texture, appearance. But I am not Taiwanese. Taste is a matter of taste.

My girlfriend loves cornflakes, straight out of the box. But she will only eat Kellogs: no Post Toasties, no store brands, just Kelloggs.
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2011, 11:49:02 AM »
My girlfriend loves cornflakes, straight out of the box. But she will only eat Kellogs: no Post Toasties, no store brands, just Kelloggs.

What about the store brands that are actually MADE BY Kellogg's? Come from the same ingredients, made in the same machine, packaged by the same people?
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2011, 12:50:54 PM »
Although Kellogg's make actually make supermarket or other brands, it does not say on the box that they do, nor does it indicate that the ingredients or the process are the same.

In Florida, the Publix supermarket chain advertises that they will give your money back if you do not agree that the supermarket brand is every bit as good, and they will make good on their promises. Their store brands really ARE as good as store brands, but you cannot prove this to people who will never even taste the alternate brand.

Winn-Dixie's store brands are decidedly inferior as well as cheaper: a can of WD Thrifty Maid beans has lots more water and many fewer beans than any advertised brand. Their Mac and cheese is less cheesy, their frozen pizzas are pretty awful.

The absolute WORST store brands I have had were those of a Carolina/Virginia chain called the Food Lion.

I am not going to fight over a $1.29 price difference
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Re: Race Relations
« Reply #74 on: April 28, 2011, 12:07:14 AM »
Remy Eats a 1000 Year Old Egg (Food Oddities -

What you are thinking while you are tasting makes a lot of diffrence.