Plane, motivations for entering W.W. II have no relevance, that I can see, to this discussion. The conflict in Iraq is not W.W. II. That ended back in the 1940s This year is 2006 by the Gregorian calendar. There are something like 60 years between now and then. Our leaders are entirely different people, and the war in Iraq is an entirely different conflict. If you want to talk about similarities of motivations, about the only similarity that might be drawn is that there are speculations both F.D.R. and G.W.B. wanted to find a way to draw America into a global conflict. So I think you don't really want to be bringing W.W. II into this discussion, unless your goal is to persuade me that JS is entirely correct.
People are still people , we have changed only a little since prehistory , we wear diffrent clothes and drive faster chairiots but what Socraties observed about People is still relivant nonetheless.
Is it your point that freeing Iraq from repression was a reason given to the masses by the eletes who really make the decisions? So the the" real " reasons were ulterior reasons known only to a few?
I do not have this paradgn down really.
In my estimation , the reason that is taken by the people is a real determiner , the people don't just vote every two years , they lend support or oppose the direction of government constantly , the resultant vector is an addition of millions of vectors with the leanings of the elete only able to turn the tide a little off of its chosen trajectory.
If the People beleived , wanted and supported the relief of the people of Iraq then this is a real reason .
If the people as a whole care some what less now than then for this reason , then this may be a rest in the momentum , or it may be a turning of the tide , either way when the great mass of us are moving the elete surf along on our waves .