Author Topic: Obama halts his Libyan War that may reflect humiliation & defeat for NATO  (Read 922 times)

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The Libyan War ends.
Obama makes Moscow peace broker. NATO halts strikes

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 14, 2011

Pro-Qaddafi rally in Tripoli

Bar the shouting, the war in Libya virtually ended Thursday morning, July 14, when US President Barack Obama called Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to hand Moscow the lead role in negotiations with Muammar Qaddafi for ending the conflict - provided only that the Libyan ruler steps down in favor of a transitional administration.

The US president thus accepted the Russian-Libyan formula for ending the war over the heads of the NATO chiefs who rejected it when they met Russian leaders at the Black Sea resort of Sochi last week.

debkafile's sources note that this same proposal first came from the Libyan ruler himself four months ago: On April 4, just ten days after NATO launched its air operation on behalf of the Libyan rebels, Qaddafi sent emissaries to Athens to propose Greek Prime Minister Georges Papandreou as mediator. The heads of NATO, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron, turned him down, certain at the time they were within easy reach of a quick victory to topple him.

By the time Obama had decided to call Medvedev, individual governments which had spearheaded the anti-Qaddafi campaign were quietly melting away.

From Saturday, July 9, debkafile's military sources report, NATO discontinued its air strikes against Libyan pro-government targets in Tripoli and other places.  The halt though unannounced was nonetheless an admission that 15,000 flight missions and 6,000 bombardments of Qaddafi targets had failed to achieve their object: Col. Qaddafi, without deploying a single fighter jet, firing an anti-air missile or activating terrorist cells in Europe, had waited for NATO to run out of steam and was still in power.

In an overview of the war to British air force commanders Wednesday, July 13, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox remarked that while no one knows when it will end, British ground corps, naval and air forces do not have the means to continue the war.

He admitted candidly that sustaining the high tempo of air strikes by RAF Tornado and Typhoons, as well as Navy warships and Army Apache attack helicopters, did "increase the pressure on both personnel and equipment as planning assumptions are tested, and it tests the ability of defense companies to support front-line operations."

In early June, debkafile's military sources reported that NATO was short of warplanes for enforcing the no- fly zone over Libyan air space approved by the UN Security Council, its arsenals of smart bombs and missiles were depleted and its stocks of munitions and replacement parts almost down to zero.

This has now been confirmed by the British defense secretary, who added that British and European military industries lack the capacity for supporting a war effort that goes beyond a few weeks.

Our military sources disclose that Italy, a key player in NATO's military effort, last week secretly withdrew its Air Force Garibaldi-551 planes from the campaign dealing the operation another grave setback.

And in the last 10 days, France has also scaled back the military assets it had invested in the fighting after despairing of the anti-Qaddafi rebels based in Benghazi ever making headway against Qaddafi's forces. First, Paris tried to transfer its backing from Benghazi to the secessionist Berber tribes fighting Qaddafi in Western Libya. On June 30, President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered weapons to be parachuted to the tribal fighters in western Libya, contrary to UN and NATO decisions. But the Berbers preferred to use the French guns for plundering towns and villages instead of fighting government forces.

On Monday, July 11, after that experience, Defense Secretary Gerard Longuet said it was time for talks to begin between Qaddafi and the rebels. Paris, he said, had asked the two sides to begin negotiations.

This was backhanded confirmation of the claim Qaddafi's son Saif al-Islam made to the French media that his father was engaged in contacts for ending the war through emissaries who met with President Sarkozy.

While Minister Longuet said the Libyan ruler cannot stay in power, he refrained from demanding his ouster by force or his expulsion from the country. This formula therefore came close to Qaddafi's terms for ending the war.

debkafile's diplomatic sources hail the agreement Presidents Obama and Medvedev reached on terms for negotiating the war's end with Muammar Qaddafi as a major victory for the Libyan ruler and a resounding fiasco for NATO.

It also knocks over the international war crimes tribunal's demand to extradite Qaddafi and his sons as war criminals.

Instead of sitting in the dock of the world court, they will now take their seats at the negotiating table for a deal one of whose objects will be to rescue NATO from the humiliation of defeat at war. But its main purpose will be to agree on the shape of a regime for the transition to democracy and its makeup. Qaddafi, while consenting to step down, will not doubt insist on his sons and loyalists being co-opted with full privileges to the future administration in Tripoli. The rebels will take up the offer for lack of any other options.

Libyan diplomacy is liable to be protracted and exhausting with many ups and downs and perhaps even limited military engagements on the ground
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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If the goal is to remove Qaddaffi, than this removes Qaddaffi, then this is no humiliation
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If the goal is to remove Qaddaffi, than this removes Qaddaffi, then this is no humiliation

yeah but if it were Bush's plan you would be apposed but sense you voted for Obama and worship him then it's OK. Correct?


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I find your constant telling me that you know what I would do if Juniorbush was still disgracing the presidency to be inherently stupid.

We might as well discuss how silly you would look in a Krusty the Klown suit riding a unicorn.

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I find your constant telling me that you know what I would do if Juniorbush was still disgracing the presidency to be inherently stupid.

We might as well discuss how silly you would look in a Krusty the Klown suit riding a unicorn.

Are you so bothered when Obama often blames Bush for making him look bad?


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I have not observed that this is even true.
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I have not observed that this is even true.

We are all aware of your selective un-observances. They speak volumes!


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If the goal is to remove Qaddaffi, than this removes Qaddaffi, then this is no humiliation
LOL....yeah sure.

Did you miss the part:

"Qaddafi, while consenting to step down, will not doubt insist on his sons
and loyalists being co-opted with full privileges to the future administration in
Tripoli. The rebels will take up the offer for lack of any other options

Quaddafi is almost 70 years old....he was grooming his sons anyway.

So Obozo spends over $800 million to have Quaddafi hand Libya
to his son and "loyalists".......which he was gonna do anyway?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Qaddaffi does not hold any official office at present.
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Qaddaffi does not hold any official office at present.

maybe that's why the people are just a little bit upset! Ya big dummy!


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Now the US has recognized the Libyan revolutionary government.

I fail to see how this is any sort of "humiliation".

It looks like a win.
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Now the US has recognized the Libyan revolutionary government.
I fail to see how this is any sort of "humiliation".
It looks like a win.

A win? Nato members bailing....Khadafi still in power.....thats a "win"?
Now the US has handed Russia the duties of any settlement details.
Russia & Germany to be awarded the contracts for reconstructing Libyan oilfields
Khadafi nearing 70 was already grooming future thugs and family to take over.
Now after spending close to a billion dollars that very thing will happen anyway.
If we won....what did we get for the 800 million that wasnt already gonna happen?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Thousands of Libyans would have been killed. Qadaffi was not planning to step down, either.

Egypt will not be threatened from Libya.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 03:21:58 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Qaddafi attacks western rebels to improve
his bargaining position for ending war

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

July 15, 2011, 8:00 PM (GMT+02:00)

Qaddafis' tanks take on western insurgents

As US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced US recognition of the rebel National Transitional Council (TNC) "until a fully representational interim government can be established," Muammar Qaddafi declared "We aim for victory not compromise!" and launched his troops on a new operation against rebels in the west.  Clinton's announcement to the 30-nation Libya Contact Group meeting in Istanbul, July 15, offered the key to eventually unlocking more than $34 billion in frozen assets.

debkafile reports: Qaddafi's latest offensive began as he and his sons engaged in secret talks with the US - through Moscow - and with France and Italy - through Berlin. It was a maneuver to improve his bargaining position in the talks for ending the war against him.

The real business for terminating the war is taking place in that quiet forum, which does not include Britain and NATO, and only reflected in the deliberations of the Istanbul gathering.

Those talks were kicked off by the phone call US President Barak Obama made Thursday, July 14 to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev assigning Moscow the task of negotiating an end to the conflict based on Qaddafi's consent to step down and hand power to an interim administration in Tripoli.

debkafile's intelligence sources sum up the situation on the Libyan battlefield on Friday, July 15:

They dismiss the government spokesman's charge that pro-Qaddafi forces are under rebel and NATO ground, air and naval attack in the eastern oil region of Brega as a red herring to disguise the transfer of an expanded government armored brigade from Brega to fight a separatist insurgency in the western Nafusa Mountains.
They also discount the rebel complaint that with enough arms on the western front they could have been standing now at the gates of Tripoli.

In fact, the rebels have suffered another defeat. The Libyan ruler was only stopped from moving in and taking their last strongholds around the western town of Zintan by fear that NATO would bomb his forces.

That Qaddafi felt able to move a division-sized force from eastern Libya to the west indicates that he no longer fears rebel advances around Brega in the east or Misrata in the west. Neither is he concerned about them capturing Sirte on the road to Tripoli - or even laying this key town to siege. In all the five months of their NATO-backed offensive against the regime, they never came close to that objective.

Qaddafi went on the offensive additionally to show the 30-member Libya Contact Group which army holds the upper hand on the Libyan battlefield and underscore NATO's failure to turn the tide against him.

In recognition of that reality, the Istanbul meeting was informed by the US Secretary: "The TNC has offered important assurances today, including the promise to pursue a process of democratic reform that is inclusive both geographically and politically." It will be recognized only "until an interim authority is in place" This means that the TNC was not recognized by the US as Libya's legitimate government.

The formula specified by Clinton in a prepared statement was based on the understanding previously accepted by Qaddafi and sons as the basis for negotiations during their informal contacts with Washington, Paris and Rome. It is part of a political package that includes "a ceasefire to halt the civil war."

« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 09:27:17 AM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987