Author Topic: Some define this as a "win" a dictator for pro-Al Qaeda henchmen  (Read 1184 times)

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Pro-Al Qaeda brigades control Qaddafi Tripoli strongholds seized by rebels

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

August 28, 2011

Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, pro-Al Qaeda LIFG chief

Members of the Al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ? LIFG, are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Qaddafi captured by Libyan rebels last Sunday, Aug. 21, debkafile reports from sources in Libya. They are fighting under the command of Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, an al Qaeda veteran from Afghanistan whom the CIA captured in Malaysia in 2003 and extradited six years later to Libya where Qaddafi held him in prison.

Belhadj is on record as rejecting any political form of coexistence with the Crusaders excepting jihad.

His brigades were the principal rebel force in the operation for the capture of Qaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya ruling compound on Aug. 23. Saturday, Aug. 27, those brigades overran the Abu Salim district of southern Tripoli taking it from the last pro-Qaddafi holdouts in the city. Many of the prisoners released from the local jail belonged to al Qaeda.

The LIFG chief now styles himself "Commander of the Tripoli Military Council." Asked by our sources whether they plan to hand control of the Libyan capital to the National Transitional Council, which has been recognized in the West, the jihadi fighters made a gesture of dismissal without answering.

According to US and British media, at least half of the members of the NTC have moved from Benghazi to Tripoli, the key condition for the receipt of Qaddafi's frozen assets and international aid. But there is no confirmation from our sources that this has happened. Tripoli is rife with disorder, awash with weapons and prey to reciprocal allegations of atrocities. Our sources doubt that the council will be able to assert control of - or even a presence in - Tripoli any time soon. US intelligence sources in Tripoli see no sign that the NTC will be able to persuade the Islamist brigades to relinquish control of the city in the near future - or even lay down arms.

Those arms are advanced items which British and French special operations forces gave the rebels, said a senior American source. Had those NATO contingents not led the Tripoli operation, the rebels unaided would not have captured Qaddafi's centers of government.

A week after that dramatic episode, Tripoli's institutions of government have wound up in the hands of fighting Islamist brigades belonging to al Qaeda, who are now armed to the teeth with the hardware seized from Qaddafi's arsenals. No Western or Libyan military force can conceive of dislodging the Islamists from the Libyan capital in the foreseeable future.

Libya has thus created a new model which can only hearten the Islamist extremists eyeing further gains from the Arab Revolt. They may justly conclude that NATO will come to their aid for a rebellion to topple any autocratic Arab ruler. The coalition of British, French, Qatari and Jordanian special forces, with quiet US intelligence support, for capturing Tripoli and ousting Qaddafi, almost certainly met with US President Barack Obama's approval.

For the first time, therefore, the armies of Western members of NATO took part directly in a bid by extremist Islamic forces to capture an Arab capital and overthrow its ruler.

An attempt to vindicate the way this NATO operation has turned out is underway. Western media are being fed portrayals of the rebel leadership as a coherent and responsible political and military force holding sway from Benghazi in the east up to the Tunisian border in the west.

This depiction is false. Our military sources report that the bulk of rebel military strength in central and western Libya is not under NTC command, nor does it obey orders from rebel headquarters in Benghazi.

This chaotic situation in rebel ranks underscores the importance of the effort the NTC has mounted to capture Sirte, Qaddafi's home town, where most of his support is concentrated. Control of Sirte, which lies between Benghazi and Tripoli, will provide the NTC and its leader Abdul Jalil, with a counterweight for the pro-Al Qaeda brigades in control of the capital.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Debkafiles = Zionist propaganda.
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Debkafiles = Zionist propaganda.
You are soooooooooooo intellectually lazy
Shoot the messenger, instead of dealing with the data.
I suppose the Zionist have taken over in Russia too! (see below)

Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset is military commander of Tripoli

Speaking to RT today live from Brazil, Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar said that an al-Qaeda
asset is now leading the military of rebel-controlled Libya.

According to Escobar, Abdelhakim Belhadj, who commanded a military offensive in Libya over the weekend,
has become the de facto commander of the Tripoli armed forces. Belhadj has also, says Escobar, was
trained in Afghanistan by a ?very hardcore Islamist Libyan group.?

Escobar says that Taliban-linked sources overseas have confirmed Belhadj as the new commander.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began tracking Belhadj, who was eventually captured in Malaysia in 2003.
Escobar says that he was then tortured in Bangkok before being transferred back to Libya and imprisoned.
He made a deal that allowed for his release in 2009 and as of this week is the military commander of Tripoli.

?I can say almost for sure with 95 percent certainty that this is the guy,? Escobar confirms.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I am all for Libyans deciding who runs Libya.

I know that nothing that the President does meets with your approval, and that you worship Debkafiles, which is an Israeli propaganda mill.

I do not trust anything you say. There is really nothing that I can do to make the Libyans remove this guy, and nothing you can do, either. We will just have to wait to see how this all sorts itself out.

There are Zionists in Russia, there are Zionists everywhere.
There is one important thing about this guy that makes him better qualified to be in the Libyan government than you. It's his country, he is a Libyan, and you are not.

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I am all for Libyans deciding who runs LibyaI

Yeah & I am sure your lame ass would have been "all for Germans deciding who runs Germany"
as he was gassing millions of Jews....your logic as usual is deeply flawed.

I know that nothing that the President does meets with your approval

And what did President Bush do that met with your approval?
I can and have stated multiple things Obama has done I approved of. you even read or just ignore reality and post bullshit that pops up in your head?
You know of "nothing" where Obama meets my approval but I posted a thread just yesterday
that contained in it's title.."WAY TO GO OBAMA".....also earlier in the week I praised Obama
that if non-Islamist take over Libya that the military campaign was smart doing it from basically
the air only...with very little loss of US military life....I also praised President Clinton in the same thread.
When have you praised two recent Republican Presidents? You and I are quite different in that I
have intellectual honesty where I sometimes praise elected Democratic leaders, you on the other
hand are incapable and only want to throw mud and insults at Republican leaders....again because
you are intellectually dishonest and have deeply flawed logic.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops
in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against 'the foreign invasion' in Afghanistan Photo: AFP

By Praveen Swami, Nick Squires and Duncan Gardham

25 Mar 2011

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added
that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".

His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries".

Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against "the foreign invasion" in Afghanistan, before being "captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan". He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008.

US and British government sources said Mr al-Hasidi was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG, which killed dozens of Libyan troops in guerrilla attacks around Derna and Benghazi in 1995 and 1996.

Even though the LIFG is not part of the al-Qaeda organisation, the United States military's West Point academy has said the two share an "increasingly co-operative relationship". In 2007, documents captured by allied forces from the town of Sinjar, showed LIFG emmbers made up the second-largest cohort of foreign fighters in Iraq, after Saudi Arabia.

Earlier this month, al-Qaeda issued a call for supporters to back the Libyan rebellion, which it said would lead to the imposition of "the stage of Islam" in the country.

British Islamists have also backed the rebellion, with the former head of the banned al-Muhajiroun proclaiming that
the call for "Islam, the Shariah and jihad from Libya" had "shaken the enemies of Islam and the Muslims more than
the tsunami that Allah sent against their friends, the Japanese".

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I see no way to prevent Libya from installing leaders that you may not like. The US will not invade Libya and take over, and it will be up to the Libyans to decide who runs their country.

Hitler was not elected by a majority of Germans, and Libya, with no industry other than oil extraction and seven million people is not comparable in any way to Germany in 1933.
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and Libya, with no industry other than oil extraction and seven million people is not comparable in any way to Germany in 1933.

If radical Islamist come to power in Egypt, Libya (cash cow w/oil),
Syria, Afghanistan, and other teetering countries...combined with Iran it will be a
very comparable threat to world peace as was Germany in 1933. Actually with Iran
about to get nuclear bombs & long range missles in which to deliver nuclear warheads...
and being able to share the technology with new Islamic regimes in the above mentioned
countries this threat would make Germany in 1933 look like a patsy.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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.combined with Iran it will be a very comparable threat to world peace as was Germany in 1933.

No, it will not. Egyptians and other Arabs are not noted for being much good at any form of warfare for centuries.
And it would take rather a lot more money than they have, which would be cut off if they attacked their buyers.
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.combined with Iran it will be a very comparable threat to world peace as was Germany in 1933.

No, it will not. Egyptians and other Arabs are not noted for being much good at any form of warfare for centuries.
And it would take rather a lot more money than they have, which would be cut off if they attacked their buyers.

One. Don't present them such a challenge.
Two . Shooting at your customers is indeed stupid, doesn't mean it can't happen.


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The moment you shoot a customer, you tend to lose his business.

The Muslims are not united, and they are not trying to conquer the world. Even 20% unemployment would be a wonderful thing in Syria, Tunisia, Egypt or Libya. They do not manufacture arms, ammo, or have any means of defeating a modern army, even on their own soil.

Watch and see how Libya does not attack any Western country.
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  You can't accuse an Imam of wanting anything less than Islams preeminance all over the world without insulting him.


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Can't one say the exact same thing for the Pope? Is it not the goal of his Holiness to make everyone a good Roman Catholic?

Just as most priests see this as impossible, I think the same is true for Imams.
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 Is it not the goal of his Holiness to make everyone a good Roman Catholic?

I am not an authority on things Catholic ,take my opinion with a grain of salt.
 I think this might have been the Popes attitude in Anno Domini 1300 but more recent Catholic leadership seems more willing to live and let live.

Can't one say the exact same thing for the Pope? Is it not the goal of his Holiness to make everyone a good Roman Catholic?

Just as most priests see this as impossible, I think the same is true for Imams.

  I think neither a Preist nor an Imam would be willing to admit something of this sort to be beyond Gods power.

  The great Comission of Jesus is to announce the Gosphel everywhere , explicitly stating that the unwillinng will be left unmolested.



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The great Comission of Jesus is to announce the Gosphel everywhere , explicitly stating that the unwillinng will be left unmolested.
In what part of the Bible is that?

Jesus has not announced the Gospel everywhere, not even after 2000 years. Odds are that more people have heard of Coca-Cola than have heard of Jesus. But I doubt that everyone has heard of Coca-Cola, either.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."