Author Topic: I'll say it again -- Obama just might be replaced by his party in 2012  (Read 721 times)

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Yes folks enough Democrats are now just realizing what I knew a year ago -- that being Obama isn't electable in 2012. I don't know who it will be, Hillary, or somebody but Obama will be challenged by someone in his party.


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Re: I'll say it again -- Obama just might be replaced by his party in 2012
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 04:45:10 PM »

One third of Americans believe Hillary Clinton would have been a better president than Barack Obama, and two-thirds view her favorably, according to a new Bloomberg News poll.

"The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," Bloomberg News'  John McCormick wrote on the poll's findings, which were released Friday.

While 34 percent of those polled believe "things would be better under a Clinton administration," McCormick wrote, "almost half--47 percent--say things would be about the same, and 13 percent say worse."

By contrast, "35 percent of those polled believe the country would be worse off if John McCain had been elected president," Holly Bailey reported at The Ticket.

"Clinton remains the most popular political figure on the national scene, with 64 percent of those polled saying they have a 'favorable' view of the Secretary of State, Bailey wrote.

"Obama's favorable rating is at 50 percent—even though 49 percent of those polled disapprove of the job he's doing as president. A majority of Democrats say Obama is their best candidate in 2012, though just under a third—30 percent—say they'd prefer to have someone else on the ticket."

Note: I still don't think a Democrat could win in 2012, but Hillary has a better chance than BO..


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Re: I'll say it again -- Obama just might be replaced by his party in 2012
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 06:35:20 PM »
While she is popular, and likely would have been a marginally better president, as I don't think she's quite as liberal, not to mention she has a far thicker skin than the current occupant, I seriously don't seen the Democrat establishement throwing their fella overboard.  FAR too much invested in the "1st black President".  They need to make it work, and the MSM needs to do whatever they can to portray that it is working........such as the garbage that "the stimulus worked"  I guess it depends on what "worked" means

But he won't be replaced.  They don't have the conviction or the where-with-all to grasp the damage being done to this country.  Because, ultimately it serves a greater purpose, one that places a majority of the electorate either working for, or beholden to the Government
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: I'll say it again -- Obama just might be replaced by his party in 2012
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 07:19:01 PM »
While she is popular, and likely would have been a marginally better president, as I don't think she's quite as liberal, not to mention she has a far thicker skin than the current occupant, I seriously don't seen the Democrat establishement throwing their fella overboard.  FAR too much invested in the "1st black President".  They need to make it work, and the MSM needs to do whatever they can to portray that it is working........such as the garbage that "the stimulus worked"  I guess it depends on what "worked" means

But he won't be replaced.  They don't have the conviction or the where-with-all to grasp the damage being done to this country.  Because, ultimately it serves a greater purpose, one that places a majority of the electorate either working for, or beholden to the Government

The US isn't ready for 4 more Affirmative Action presidential years. Seeing the boy get his arse kicked in 2012 is fine with me. I actually relish watching him debate. Imagine trying to defend that record? GW Bush isn't going to be his pinata this go around.