NYT: 'Newly revealed orders' issued by Bush show US opened front against Iran in Iraq
Published: Sunday January 14, 2007
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Monday's New York Times reports that "newly revealed orders issued by President Bush" show that, along with fighting insurgents and "tamping down sectarian warfare" in Iraq, "a third front has opened — against Iran."
"Administration officials say the goal is limited to preventing Iranians from aiding in attacks on American and Iraqi forces inside Iraq," David E. Sanger writes. "But in recent interviews and public statements, senior members of the Bush administration have made it clear that their agenda goes significantly further, toward foiling Iran’s dream of emerging as the greatest power in the Middle East."
Excerpts from Times article:
In an interview on Friday, before she left on her latest Middle East trip, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described what she called an “evolving†strategy to confront “destabilizing behavior†by Iran across the region. Mr. Bush’s national security adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, said Sunday on the NBC News program “Meet the Press†that the United States was resisting an Iranian effort “to basically establish hegemony†throughout the region.
Even some of Mr. Bush’s fiercest critics do not question that the administration’s conviction that Iran’s ambitions are large is correct. A few midlevel administration officials wondered even in 2003 whether Iran was a far more potent threat than Mr. Hussein.
Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, administration officials argued that deposing Mr. Hussein would send a powerful signal to Iran and North Korea, the two countries that Mr. Bush identified along with Iraq in his 2002 State of the Union address as part of an “axis of evil.â€
“You heard this argument in meetings all the time,†a senior official on the National Security Council, who has since left the administration, recalled recently. “Iraq would make the harder problems of Iran and North Korea easier.â€