I am thinking that the presence of exploding supernova suggests disorder.
Large stars are the forges of heavy elements, these elements seldom escape the heart of a star unless by supernova, if there were no supernovae there would be no us to ponder them.
The orbits of the planets are not perfect circles. The planets themselves are not perfectly spherical. And there is the disharmony previously pointed out about the orbit of both the earth and Moon.
All orbits , however elliptical, sweep a virtual triangle with a vertex at the center of the orbit and corners on the orbit at the begginning and end of a time period, with each time period no matter what length period of time period you choose. Any equal period of time will sweep a triangle of equal surface area. Unless examined in these four dimensions this order is not evident.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler's_laws_of_planetary_motionSoap bubbles are perfect spheres so are soap bubbles proof of divine intervention?
Planets are spheres within pretty small error percents , would you be happier on a planet that had no mountains? Would the planet be more perfect for you if we were on a mirror polished surface? "perfect" spheres do exist in Gods universe, but God doesn't seem to be doctrinaire that all shapes be simple.
Sun spots indicate that the Sun is not a uniform temperature. Jupiter has that huge red spot.
Why do these examples of solar and planetary weather strike you as blemishes? The great red spot is a cyclone at least three hundred years in duration, sunspots are clues for our understanding of the solar magnetic engine. Would a featureless planet or a homogeneous Sun be better in some way? Simplicity is nice when you find some but it need not be universal. Look at a color picture of Jupiter , the thing is beautifull.
Cancer is hardly a sign of perfection.
The universe is only minimally orderly. If it were only a tad more disorderly, it would fly apart entirely in a totally disorderly manner.
Each of us is composed of a billion or so cells each cell is complex enough itself to defy explanation in volumes and these interdependent cells form systems and networks which are dynamically complex,and yet most of us experience many years of harmony within this aggregation . WE do not understand quite why we are not always cancerous , or how some Whales , creatures of millions of billions of cells ,can live for centuries .
Just one Cell can loose discipline and become the rogue progenitor of a cancerous growth how is discipline so tight that humans can last decades and turtles or whales can last for centuries and trees can last for thousands? We do not understand how such organisation over such scales is accomplished. Why arn't we all cancerous at early ages? Every day you last your body will exibit more organisation that all human endevor put together has ever accomplished in all time.
In Scripture God promises you that you will only have to die once , the longer you avoid one danger the more likely any other danger becomes for you. If there were no cancer as someday there may not be, you must find some other sort of death.
The Universe has a lot going on at every scale we have ever been able to examine we have found structures , from filiments composed of galaxies lined up in great curves to quanta of energy barely traceable as existing. Do we know why we exist in a universe that is so observable? No we don't, but we discover orginising principals all over the place. At no time has any proof been found that all things can be understood , nor that all things are systematic, one would have to understand all possible order to prove such a thing, one would have to be God to reasonably make the attempt.