<<Just for clarification are you saying the Owwies are gusanos for refusing to accept the cards dealt to them and doing something about it?>>
ROTFLMFAO. What you've done here is create your own definition of both the gusanos and the Occupy! people by totally misrepresenting both and then asking me if I can now equate one with the other. Hilarious, but don't think I don't appreciate the inventiveness of it.
Occupy! wants to build socialism in America and the non-gusanos (the stay-at-home Cubans) want to build socialism in Cuba. So I'd say that Occupy! and the gusanos are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
<<Since the majority of their complaint is that they aren't getting their fair share of the pie, doesn't that make them as greedy as any cuban refugee who risked life and limb on the promise of a better life? >>
LOL. For one thing, I'm not sure that "the majority of their complaint" relates to their share of the pie. A lot of the complaints relate also to war and pollution and the death of the planet. But let's play. Let's assume that their ONLY complaint is that they're not getting a fair share. They're still not gusanos, because gusanos START with a fair share of the pie under socialism - - free cradle to grave medical and dental care, free JK to grad school education and guaranteed liveable housing, plus numerous subsidies for sporting and cultural activities. Not content with a fair share of the pie they abandon the effort to build socialism and head instead to the imperialist enemy of their country driven by pure greed - - greed not for a fair share but for more than a fair share. While I couldn't fault the Occupy! movement even if all they were fighting for was a fair share, I sure as hell fault the gusanos, fighting for more than a fair share and abandoning the fight to build socialism.
<<And if you aren't saying that, why aren't you?>>
LOL. I dunno. And if you haven't stopped beating your wife, why haven't you?