Bobby Jindal won reelection to Governor of Louisiana in a landslide Saturday,
getting 66% of the vote against nine other opponents. The DNC didn’t even bother supporting anyone against him. Jindal just needs to be careful to keep hiding the fact that he’s a minority, as people are very racist in the South… especially Republicans.
Fareed Zakaria, that really weird guy with that freaky Cheshire Cat grin, says
there should be a 50% inheritance tax, because, I guess, the government really owns everything and we should just basically just surrender this idea of private property to it. What we really need is some sort of restraining order we can issue to certain people to keep them away from government, because I really want to make sure thinking like that never even comes within a hundred yards of actual policy. Man, it’s so much easier when people with views like these are in an enemy nation so you just shoot them; it’s confusing on what to do when they’re citizens of your own country.