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The media has shown its hand
« on: November 02, 2011, 11:54:09 PM »
On who they fear the most to take on Obama. The AP. The New York Times. NBC News. They are trying to take this guy out.  These are the biggest hitters the Democrat party has.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 11:57:39 PM »
What's your take on his damage control?


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 12:56:35 AM »
Jesus, you boys sure do like running up blind alleys. Palin, Gingrich, now Cain.

I'll remind after he's out, prior to the general election, and i'll enjoy doing it.



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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 02:33:50 AM »
What blind alley. I simply asked Ricky what he thought about Cains handling of this shitstorm.

Lessons learned etc.

I do like Cains 9-9-9 plan. I don't like that he wants to exempt poor people.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 03:36:26 AM »
It wasn't in response to your post specifically.

Cain is a very likeable guy, he's a salesmen, and he's very good at it. If you want to sell snowblowers in Florida Cain's your man. But he won't get the party nomination and it won't have anything to do with the NYTs, or NBC. He just doesn't have it. Sooner or later the right is going to have to get behind Romney. When they do, if they do completely, he can beat Obama. 



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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 03:51:38 AM »
2 days into the scandal Cain still leads in SC by 10 over Romney. Newts showing a slight bump.

Rasmussen Reports poll of South Carolina’s Likely Republican Primary Voters  shows Cain with 33% support, Romney at 23% and Gingrich at 15%. Perry comes in at 9%

What's cool about elections is nothing really counts until the votes are tallied.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 10:27:40 AM »
Jesus, you boys sure do like running up blind alleys. Palin, Gingrich, now Cain.
You forgot Perry and Trump, they liked them as well. And they liked Thompson and Giulani in 2008. They love blind alleys.

Cain looks like a helpless, flailing walrus at this point, telling everyone that saying "you're as tall as my wife" was the reason for a five-figure buyout of TWO women.

He's gotta do better than that.

Time to retire, Herman, you're fifteen minutes are up. *ding!*
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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 12:22:12 PM »
What's your take on his damage control?

He could have been more prepared. That said, he answers all questions about it on any show he has been on. He is actually raising more money now and is still doing fine in the polls. The media coverage of it makes me mad, so I'm guessing others feel the same way. I doubt the media would have reported anything as thin against Obama. He's taking some heavy shots from the New York Times and NBC News. These are shots meant to end his campaign.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 04:30:08 PM »
They are shots, like all news stories, intended to increase readership and viewership.
 Sex scandals draw more attention than any other sort.

Videos of Cain buggering a nonconsenting Airedale, for example, would draw more attention than videos of Cain dragging bags of money out of the Federal Reserve Bank.

A video of Bachmann being buggered by Benito the wonder Burro, of course, would top all charts.

That is simply the nature of the news among humans.It is silly to blame it on a particular political slant.
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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2011, 02:16:47 AM »
They are shots, like all news stories, intended to increase readership and viewership.

Not true. When it's a democrat it is not reported. Only one question was asked of Obama about Bill Ayers and none about Rev. Wright. No questions to John Edwards when he ran, even after some in the media knew of his bastard child. Readership and veiwership be damned.

These are shots by partisan media outlets meant only for one thing: to end Herman Cain's campaign. It hasn't worked.

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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2011, 03:01:59 AM »
I didn't see the need to insult Edwards' child.  That certainly wasn't necessary.

The media jumped all over Anthony Weiner.  He was front-page headline in the NY Post for seven or ten days in a row, and he was a Democrat.  Same BS with Daniel Strauss-Kahn, a Socialist.  And now, same wiht Cain, a Republican.

I'm not sure how long the media held off on John Edwards, but "knowing" about it and having enough proof of it to run the story are not the same thing.

Cain is catching a lot of flak, first because "sex sells" and newspapers are first and foremost a business, and second because each time he lied about the claims, the exposure of the lie was a headline in its own right.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2011, 03:40:52 AM »
Politico Is Tawdry
November 3, 2011 1:14 P.M.
By Andrew C. McCarthy

Rich, I continue to think the real story here is the media — and Politico in particular. To repeat, I am not a Cain guy, and I think that lashing out at Perry, on the basis of what appears to be close to zero evidence, undermines Cain’s colorable claim to be the target of a hatchet job — if you’re going to charge hypocrisy, you need to stay above it yourself. But Cain’s shooting himself in the foot doesn’t change how we got here — and how Politico is still stoking the flames with irresponsible reporting.

Politico’s initial story was woven out of insufficient evidence, anonymous sources, and vague allegations that — even if you construed every possible inference against Cain — would amount to an impropriety that outfits like Politico would find too trivial to cover like this if the culprit were a left-leaning Democrat.

Martin’s explanation of his reporting in a CNN interview (reproduced by Andrew Breitbart’s BigJournalism site) is embarrassing. Martin is asked succinctly, “What did he [Cain] do?” He replies with blather about how he can’t get into details and needs to be “sensitive to the sourcing involved here” (no need to be sensitive to the innuendo he’s willfully creating against Cain — just make sure his sources, who won’t identify themselves, get to stay comfortable in their anonymity). Martin’s bottom line is not that this purported “sexual harassment” actually involved anything sexual; just that women were made uncomfortable.

Now, how would a responsible person evaluate that? How would Martin figure a reasonable reader would evaluate that? He would need to know more details (which Martin suggests he knows but won’t reveal), and he would need to know about the character of the women involved: Are they normal women who would be irritated but not bent out of shape unless the behavior Martin refuses to describe was truly obnoxious? Are they unusually sensitive women who were apt to take offense at behavior that a more grounded person would have found innocuous? Are they women who had a motive to make a mountain out of a mole hill because they had other issues with Cain or with the NRA? We don’t know because Martin won’t say — he has intentionally leveled a weighty accusation and denied his audience what anyone with common sense would know are the facts necessary to assess it. That is irresponsible.

Cain could have taken the high road. He could have tried to keep the focus on the obvious media bias. On that score, I’m looking for any indication anywhere that Martin did any reporting like this to vet candidate Obama — Ayers, Dohrn, Wright, Rezko, Chicago Annenberg Challenge . . . ? I’ve found a couple of pieces in which he suggests that raising Ayers and Rezko was unworthy, desperation politics; and I’ve found an item in which he attacked “Joe the Plumber” after he (Joe Wurzelbacher) elicited Obama’s damaging “spread the wealth” comment. But nothing so far that suggests Martin thought Obama should be scrutinized over the sorts of things he seems content to see Cain’s candidacy scuttled over.

Instead of going that route, Cain — a day after his campaign claimed to be “follow[ing] Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment” by resisting any urge to hurl mud at other campaigns — proceeded to hurl mud at Perry . . . based on what appears to be evidence so flimsy it might even have given Jonathan Martin pause. I’m afraid we’ve learned a lot more about Cain’s judgment from the way he reacted to the Politico allegations than from the allegations themselves.

But we’ve learned the most about Politico. Look, for example, at this: Politico this morning had a post about how, after Cain blamed Perry for being the source of the sexual-harassment story, Perry promptly turned around and floated Romney as the likely source. Yes, congratulations GOP on the circular firing squad — but that’s not the point. The point is: Politico knows who the source is.

This isn’t a game-show where the host has the answer on his little card and his job is to have the contestants keep guessing until someone stumbles into the right answer. This is supposed to be news coverage — professional journalism about a serious matter with a goal of edifying the reader about what actually happened.

Politico has now framed discovery of the identity of the source as is a noteworthy story. Yet, Politico knows that if the identity of the source is a story, it is only because Politico itself is being coy. Politico has reported that Perry may be the source and that Romney may be the source. Yet, Politico knows precisely whether the Perry campaign or the Romney campaign (or both . . . or neither) is the source. It is thus almost certainly true that at least some of the conflicting allegations Politico is airing are known by Politico to be false. In fact, both the Perry and Romney camps have denied involvement — if it so happens that one of those camps is the source, then Politico knows the denial is a lie, yet it published the denial anyway. That would amount to colluding with its source in order to tarnish Cain while fraudulently portraying its source as above the fray.

In sum, Politico is publishing at least some things it knows to be misleading or untrue, and framing as a great mystery something to which it knows the answer. That can only be because Politico finds the specter of the Republican circular firing squad more appealing than the prospect of informing readers of the accurate version of events.

When I was a prosecutor, it was considered serious ethical misconduct to suggest to a jury something the prosecutor knew to be factually untrue. If the defense called Witness A, and I was aware of the fact that Person B had robbed a bank, it would be a weighty impropriety for me to impeach A’s credibility by suggesting in my questions that A had robbed the bank. If the judge asked me a question, my choices were to give a truthful answer or to refuse to answer and explain why the law supported my refusal — making a representation that was false or misleading was not an option. And if I later learned that I’d been mistaken in something I’d represented, my obligation was to go back and correct the record as soon as possible. All this because a trial is supposed to be a search for the truth, and I would be perverting the process if I suggested that the factfinder should consider something I knew to be inaccurate or false.

I guess similar rules don’t apply in today’s journalism.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2011, 01:13:58 PM »
This is being blamed on the Left, but at make little sense. Cain would be a far more easily defeated opponent than Romney. What would make sense is to wait until Cain gets the nomination and THEN pop this story about three weeks before the election.

Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright were not sexy topics, nor scandalous topics/t is not immoral or illegal to have a friend who was once accused of someone.It is neither immoral nor illegal to hear a sermon. And neither topic is sexy.
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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2011, 01:42:03 PM »
This is being blamed on the journalism profession.


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Re: The media has shown its hand
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2011, 02:19:33 PM »
It is being blamed on Cain as well.

Everyone blames everyone for everything.

Cain is, however, toast.
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