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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2011, 09:28:30 PM »
I never saw the woman, never heard her voice, do not recall her name. Wow! what a defense!

I don't see a "flat out awesome presentation" in that. It is not the sort of speech that one can deliver in a "flat out awesome way".

The accusation is in no way superior to this denyal.


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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2011, 10:59:58 PM »
Did I say it was?

I just said that his speech was not "awesome".
 I was not awed, and do not see how anyone else could have been either.
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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2011, 12:03:19 PM »
Did you even watch the speech in full?


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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2011, 12:21:46 PM »
Cain's a Republican, RR.  A conservative no less.  And *gasp*, a black conservative.  Xo would watch just enough (perhaps 30seconds at most) to validate, in his mind, his complete disdain for the man, and how horrible he'd be as President
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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2011, 12:44:57 PM »
He would be horrible because he is a blowhard and a crackpot, he knows diddly about foreign affairs and is proud of it and uninterested in learning, and 9-9-9 would cost me a lot more in taxes. It's not like I think he would try to force a blowjob from Angela Merkel.

Republicans are either members of the Oligarchy or its hirelings. So are some Democrats. Cain is a Republican. And that is simply one more minus.
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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2011, 01:06:10 PM »
See what I mean, RR?
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Michael Tee

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2011, 01:25:16 PM »
<<Why is it amusing for somebody's reputation to be smeared by false accusations? That's sick.>>

Why was $80K paid out for "false accusations?"  That is way beyond the "nuisance value" at which most baseless claims are settled.   Especially cases where trial would have been quick and easy, there being no documentary or physical evidence involved, and a "thorough investigation" having already been conducted by the employer and Cain's ass already out the door before the settlement was even signed.

<<One woman works in the Obama administration and her son works for Politico . . . >>

That was an outright lie, which the Cain campaign has already had to retract.  Someone with the same last name as the accuser but not related to her at all had previously worked at Politico but had been long gone by the time Politico broke the story.

<<and the other lived in the same apartment building as Axlerod. >>

Now THAT is a serious allegation.  Living in the same apartment building as David Axelrod can easily make one a slave to his nefarious plots.  All I can say in her defence is that she probably didn't check the full tenant list carefully enough before moving into that building and falling under his evil spell.

<<I do not believe these accusations are genuine.>>

Nor do I.  It is just bad luck and sheer coincidence that four different women, all on the payroll of the same company, one living at the same address as David Axelrod and all of the others within a five-mile radius of his apartment building have come forward with these accusations against him. 

I was kind of wondering, though - - why  did these four crazy bitches all come out against the Hermster, and not, say, against Mitt Romney or The Newt?  Then I realized - - of course!!!  Cain's the front runner.  It's the old principle, concentrate your fire.  Once he's knocked off, the four crazy bitches will change their story and accuse the new front runner with sexual harassment.  Or to make it even more credible, Axelrod will recruit four NEW women from his apartment building to launch the new wave of fake sexual harassment charges against the new front-runner.  The beauty of his scheme is that it's self-replicating.  That building has an endless supply of crazy bitches.  The REAL trick is getting them onto the payroll of whoever employed the front-runner back in the day.  It's a trade secret that Axelrod will never reveal.  If he does, Gloria Allred will have him killed by a fake heart attack.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 01:30:33 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2011, 01:49:41 PM »
I heard ALL of Cain's denial. It was just a denial. It was not awesome, I was unawed. I find nothing awesome about Cain. In my career, I have heard a LOT of bombastic Black preachers, and this guy is no more than a 5 out of 10 in his oratorical skills, if that.

So this woman lost her job in Chicago, and went to DC to see the Cain, Head High Honcho. Her suite was upgraded, she says. I am sure that there will be no records available, since it would take a subpoena to  demand them, and after all that time the statutes of limitations have run out and there will be no subpoena. And of course, records from that long ago would not be easily located in any case.

I doubt that we have heard the last of the accusations against Cain. I agree with Tee that living in Axelrod's building is no big deal.

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2011, 02:04:10 PM »
Why the hell would there be no records of her being in the hotel, much less upgraded to a suite??  Did the hotel burn down, and all records were lost??  Do we even have the name of the hotel, and a date this would have occured??  That would allow fact checkers to dig much more efficiently......IF the accusation had any merit
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Michael Tee

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2011, 02:14:37 PM »
While looking for information on how long hotels keep room records and guest records, I found nothing (I guess any decent school of hotel management could answer the question) but I did come across THIS, which is very interesting.  Your taxpayer dollars at work in the national security state, a CIA manual on how to conduct operations in a hotel, from soup to nuts:


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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2011, 02:21:28 PM »
Do you think that hotels keep records for decades? Do you have records of trips you took in 1998?

Records of unpaid upgrades, granted as a favor to the president of the NRA probably never existed.

There will be no records produced without a subpoena, and there will be no subpoena without a legal accusation.

There will be no legal accusation because the statute of limitations has surely run out.

The fact that this blowhard crackpot might have been some sort of sexual predator in the 1990's is not the major reason why he should never be elected president. Other reasons are in overwhelming abundance, like Wildebeest in the Serengeti during the annual migration. Like Penguins heading for McMurdo Sound, like suicidal lemmings in a Disney documentary.

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2011, 02:38:48 PM »
Do you think that hotels keep records for decades? Do you have records of trips you took in 1998?

Yea, I do....and yes, they do.  How about we start with the Hotel, and date.  Then we can go from there

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2011, 02:43:27 PM »
No one is starting with anything, for the reasons that I have mentioned twice.

I have no power to subpoena hotel records. I really, really doubt that you do, either.

Even if you molested this women or even Cain, your records would be of little use to this discussion.
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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2011, 03:04:59 PM »
It doesn't require a subpoena to say for the accuser to say "It happened on blank, at blank"  She could even go so far as to say "Happened around blank, at the Hotel Blank"

THAT's the starting point I refer to, and requires no legal obligations

Records act as evidence to transition from a he-said she said, to proof of what she said.  Until then, meritless accusations are of little use to this discussion, outside of those merely trying to lynch Cain with a PR rope
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Michael Tee

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Re: Cain's speech
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2011, 03:30:46 PM »

The Lord Milner Hotel in London, England, keeps records with personal guest information as long as is needed for the purposes for which the information was needed.  Not very specific, but future investigation of possible charges against hotel guests and those paying for their rooms would probably not be required for any longer than a half-dozen monthly billing cycles, after which it would likely be transferred to Collections if still relevant, otherwise trashed.

I can't see any possible tax implications for the hotel not retaining records of who stayed when and where and who paid for what room.  Common sense says that the room occupant and person paying is information that would be purged from the records after two years if not before then.

I can't see any hope at all for getting those records now.  Furthermore, I can't recall the names of any hotels I stayed at 12 years ago and it's ridiculous to think that Cain, a married man, would have wanted to take this babe to dinner in some illustrious DC hotel like the Mayflower, which she might have had some chance of remembering.

Sharon Bialek told what she knows and her inability to remember meaningless details like name of hotel after 12 years is of no significance whatsoever.