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High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:03:54 PM »
US carrier strike force enters Syrian waters.
Russian carrier en route

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 26, 2011

The USS Bush enters Syrian waters

The Syrian crisis assumed a big power dimension this week with the build-up of rival United States and Russia naval air carrier armadas in Syrian waters, debkafile's military sources report.

The USS George H.W. Bush arrived Wednesday, Nov. 23, in the wake of the three Russian warships anchored earlier opposite Tartus which established a command post in the Syrian port. They will be augmented by Russia's only air carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, which is due in mid-week.

By deploying 70 ship-borne fighter-bombers plus three heavy guided missile cruisers and five guided missile destroyers opposite Syria, Washington has laid down military support for any intervention the Arab League in conjunction with Turkey may decide on.

Bashar Assad can see for himself that Washington has hoisted a nuclear aerial umbrella to protect its allies, Israel, Turkey, and Jordan, against the retaliation his armed forces high command pledged Friday for the deaths of six Syrian air force elite pilots in an ambush Thursday.

For some time, Ankara has been weighing the creation of a protected haven for rebels and refugees inside Syria. France has proposed slicing "humanitarian corridors" through Syria for them to flee safely from military tank and gunfire and secure supply of food, medicines and other essential supplies to the cities under army siege.

Both plans would depend on being safeguarded by substantial ground and air strength inside Syria which would certainly face fierce resistance from Assad's military.

The Arab League has scheduled weekend meetings to decide how to proceed after Damascus ignored its Friday deadline for accepting hundreds of monitors. Saturday, Nov. 26, AL finance ministers will discuss economic sanctions. In the past 48 hours, at least 70 people were reported killed as the Syrian army continued its crackdown in the face of spreading armed opposition.

The Russian Kuznetzov carrier and its accompanying strike vessels will join the three Russian warships parked opposite Tartus for more than a week. It will enter the same Syrian offshore waters as the USS Bush and the US Sixth Fleet, which is permanently posted in the Mediterranean.

The Syrian crisis is therefore building up to a superpower face-off unparalleled since the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union ended in the nineties, debkafile's military sources note.

While Washington clearly stands ready to back operations against the Assad regime, Moscow is drawing a red line around his presidential palace in Damascus. The Kremlin is warning the US, NATO and the Arab League that they will not be allowed to repeat their feat in Libya of overthrowing Muammar Qaddafi against Assad.

In the face of this escalating big power standoff and the high possibility of the Syrian ruler deciding to lash out against his country's neighbors, the Israeli, Jordanian and Turkey armies have declared a high state of war preparedness.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 10:14:15 PM »
I speculate that the Russians are there to spirit Assad and his cadre of Alawites away from a howling mob that would beat him to death a la Qaddaffi or try him in a cage a la Mubarak.

Assad is a member of a fringe (15%) Shia sect, the Alawites. It is very doubtful that if he falls, Alawites or Assad's Ba'ath Party will continue to be in power.

I really doubt that either the US and the Russians consider Syria worth fighting over.

"Nuclear aerial umbrella?" Oh, please.

No one is going to use nukes over this.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 10:17:17 PM »
That Carrier is a nuke.


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 10:28:49 PM »
I do not consider an aircraft carrier run my nuclear power to be a "nuclear umbrella" The threat it poses is not nuclear. "Do as we say or we will nuke you" is what I would call a nuclear umbrella sort of threat. The method of locomotion of the carrier is of no real significance while it is sitting off the coast of Syria.

The phrase "nuclear umbrella" here is just some newspaper or propagandist's idea of hype.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 12:03:47 AM »
Is there another voice that beats the drums of war harder than the Dukakaphiles?



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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 12:36:14 AM »
I think she is humorous, much more so than Limbaugh. I prefer Stewart, Maddow and Olbermann, but she is also good for the occasional chuckle.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 01:47:55 AM »
Is there another voice that beats the drums of war harder than the Dukakaphiles?BSB

Oooooops....looks like that mean ole Denver Post is a warmonger too!
How dare the Denver Post write about tensions in the Middle East...why the nerve!

Iran threatens to hit Turkey if US, Israel attack

Nov 26, 2011

Associated Press

Iran will target NATO's missile defense installations in Turkey if the U.S. or Israel attacks the Islamic Republic, a senior commander of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard said Saturday.

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the Guards' aerospace division, said the warning is part of a new defense strategy to counter what he described as an increase in threats from the U.S. and Israel.

Tensions have been rising between Iran and the West since the release of a report earlier this month by the International Atomic Energy Agency that said for the first time that Tehran was suspected of conducting secret experiments whose sole purpose was the development of nuclear arms.

The U.S. and its Western allies suspect Iran of trying to produce atomic weapons, and Israel, which views Tehran as an existential threat, has warned of a possible strike on Iran's nuclear program. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes.

"Should we be threatened, we will target NATO's missile defense shield in Turkey and then hit the next targets," the semiofficial Mehr news agency quoted Hajizadeh as saying.

Tehran says NATO's early warning radar station in Turkey is meant to protect Israel against Iranian missile attacks if a war breaks out with the Jewish state. Ankara agreed to host the radar in September as part of NATO's missile defense system aimed at countering ballistic missile threats from neighboring Iran.

A military installation in the Turkish town of Kurecik, some 435 miles (700 kilometers) west of the Iranian border, has been designated as the radar site, according to Turkish government officials.

Hajizadeh said the United States also plans to install similar stations in Arab states, which has spurred Iran to alter its military defense strategy.

"Based on orders from the exalted commander in chief, we will respond to threats with threats," he was quoted as saying.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters, is also commander in chief of Iran's armed forces.

Another senior Guard commander, Yadollah Javani, threatened that Tehran will target Israel's nuclear facilities should the Jewish state attack Iran.

"If Israel fires a missile at our nuclear facilities or vital installations, it should know that Israel's nuclear centers will be the target of our missiles," the semiofficial ISNA news agency quoted him as saying.

Also Saturday, the chief of Iran's elite Quds Force said he doesn't fear assassination and is ready for "martyrdom."

The comments by Quds Force commander Brig. Gen. Ghassem Soleimani were published in several Iranian newspapers. The Quds Force is the special foreign operations unit of the country's powerful Revolutionary Guard, and Soleimani is a key figure in Iran's military establishment but rarely speaks in public.

Tensions have increased in recent weeks between Iran and the U.S., with several American neoconservatives urging the Obama administration to use covert action against Iran and kill some of its top officials, including Soleimani.

The force has been accused by the Americans of involvement in an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington. Two men, including an alleged member of Iran's Quds Force, have been charged in New York federal court in the case.

Iran has dismissed the American claims as a "foolish plot", saying U.S. officials have offered no proof.

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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2011, 05:20:10 AM »
Tehran says NATO's early warning radar station in Turkey is meant to protect Israel against Iranian missile attacks if a war breaks out with the Jewish state. Ankara agreed to host the radar in September.................

     The people that are supposed to believe this must not have maps.

       I think Iran saber rattles because there is no reason not to.

       The US has a longstanding habit of sending an aircraft carrier to a trouble spot , whether they plan to use it there or not.


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2011, 05:51:09 AM »
The Denver Post probably needed to fill a space between Tim Tebow articles. Iran threatens somebody every other day.



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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2011, 10:37:34 AM »
AIPAC has a lot of influence about what gets printed in US newspapers and aired on US broadcasts. Look at how much Israeli propaganda has pumped up people in this forum who are not Jewish and should be about as concerned for Israel as they are about Armenia.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2011, 02:27:12 PM »
Israeli propaganda has pumped up people in this forum
anti-Isreal propaganda has pumped up people in this forum....BFD.

people in this forum who are not Jewish and should be about as concerned for Israel as they are about Armenia.
what a crock...typical of many of your racist & antisemitic remarks
you have no idea who is and who is not Jewish
and that's exactly the point anyway...
You needn't be Jewish to support Israel (See President Obama for evidence)
Millions of American Jews & American non-Jews support Israel (See President Obama for evidence)
face reality...the American People, the Democratic Senate, the Democratic President support don't
once again you are on the wrong side of history
you pretend all the Democrats are "bought off" with Jewish money
but if thats true....then whats that say about the Democrats you are voting for?

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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2011, 03:27:17 PM »
Both parties are bought off with Jewish money. AIPAC sees to that.

Your assumption that if a person does not wish to support Zionist occupation of Palestinians land is antisemitic is totally bogus.

I really do not care who is Jewish and who is not. I have nothing at all against Jews, but Israel is a beggar nation that feeds off my country by taking huge amounts of foreign aid and tax breaks for Israeli causes.

I find your asshole flag to be unpatriotic and offensive.

Israel is on the wrong side of history and most Israelis know that the current policies of Netanyahu are unsustainable.

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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 11:27:29 AM »
Both parties are bought off with Jewish money. AIPAC sees to that.

More conspiracy nutty theory to connect a bogus conclusion.
So Obama is bought off "lock stock and barrel" to make your dots connect.
What does that say about Obama?
What does that say about the Democrats?

Your assumption that if a person does not wish to support Zionist occupation of Palestinians land is antisemitic is totally bogus..

No you are once again missing the point...jumping to your preconceived prejudiced conclusions.
I don't think nonsupport of Israel is antisemitic, but I do think you are antisemitic.
You often show signs of being a racist and antisemitic.
You implied it would be dumb for an American non-Jew to support Israel,
implying that only a Jew could be that blind and are antisemitic!

And there is no "occupation of Palestinian Land"....that's antisemitic propaganda.
Anymore than Chicago, Miami, or Toronto are "occupied American Indian Lands"

"Palestine" is the name that the Romans gave to the land of Israel when they conquered this land 2000 years ago.

* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" nation.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" state.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" kingdom.
* There were never in the history of the world "Palestinian" kings.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" capital.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" essence.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" heritage.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" culture.

The"Palestinians" are Arabs who were brought to the region by the Ottoman empire as part of the Muslim occupation in the region. They are definitely not the tribes from Crete who settled down in the 5 cities of Gaza strip after the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. These tribes were called Philistines and they weren't Arabs at all and the nowadays"Palestinians" are definitely not their descendants. The Philistines don't exist as a nation nowadays.

There's no "Palestinian"nation but an ARAB one which went out of the Arabian Peninsula and occupied dozens of lands, including the land of Israel.

The Arabs who were living in the land of Israel started to call themselves"Palestinians" only after the establishment of Israel in 1948 and prior to it they called themselves just 'Arabs' and this is how they called their organizations ('Arab Higher Committee') and their struggles ('The Great Arab Revolt') and nick named the land of Israel in different names such as 'Southern Syria'.

There was an Israeli state in the land of Israel 2000 years beforethe evil prophet of Islam allegedly flying on a "magical horse" fromMecca to Jerusalem.

* There was an Israeli nation in the land of Israel.
* There was an Israeli kingdom in the land of Israel.
* There were Israeli kings in the Israeli kingdom of Israel.
* There was an Israeli capital in the kingdom of Israel.
* There was and there is an Israeli essence.
* There was and there is an Israeli heritage.
* There was and there is an Israeli culture.

Israel isn't just a name of a state. It's first and for all a name of a nation(Am Israel). Israel is the name of the father of the nation(Jacob)and Israelis are his descendants. The real meaning of the word'Israeli' is someone who belongs to the nation of Israel and not only"acitizen of a state called Israel".

The word 'Jews' was invented by gentiles. When the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans occupied the land of Israel they called all the Israelis in the name 'Jews' because at those days the tribe of Judah was the biggest and the dominant tribe which survived the exile of Assyria in which 10 tribes of Israel were exiled. The tribe of Judah lived in the Judean desert thus the gentiles who occupied the land of Israel called the members of this tribe (and also the ones of Benjaminand Levi who joined it) in the name 'Jews'.

When Israelis (Jews) who live abroad go to synagogue they don'tread about Jews in the prayer books nor in the Torah but about 'The Nation of Israel', 'The Children of Israel', 'The House of Israel','Shema Yisrael' etc. They are Israelis because they belong to the nation of Israel even if they aren't citizens of a state called Israel.Both the words 'Jews' and 'Israelis' refer to nationality, to ethnic identity and not to religion. Jews are members of the tribe of Judah and not "people who believe in Judaism". And the nation isn't called Judah but Israel, and so does the land and in the future the 10 tribes will return to this nation.

That's why Arab citizens of Israel don't define themselves as Israelis but as Arab/"Palestinian" citizens of a state CALLED Israel.They aren't members of the Israeli nation but of the Ishmaelite nation. Ishmael used to shoot arrows at Isaac (father of Israel) while saying:"I'm only playing..." That's why there's no "Israeli-Palestinian conflict"but a WAR that the Ishmaelites/Arabs opened on the Israelis. Also Muhammad murdered Israelis in Saudi Arabia who refused to accep this murderous pagan dream.

1. Israel became a state in 1312 B.C.E., two millennia before Islam.

2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves "Palestinians"in1967, two decades after (modern) Israeli statehood in 1948.

3.After conquering the land in 1272 B.C.E., Jews ruled it for athousandyears and maintained a continuous presence there for 3,300years.

4. The only Arab rule following conquest in 633 B.C.E. lasted just 22 years.

5.For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. It was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even under Jordanianrule,(East) Jerusalem was not made the capital, and no Arab leader cametovisit it.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the bible, but not once is it mentioned in the Qur'an.

7. King David founded Jerusalem; Mohammed never set foot in it.

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Muslims face Mecca. If they are between the two cities, Muslims pray facing Mecca, with their backs to Jerusalem.

9. In 1948, Arab leaders urged their people to leave, promising tocleanse the land of Jewish presence. 68% of them fled without eversetting eyes on an Israeli soldier.

10. Virtually the entire Jewish population of Muslim countries had to flee as the result of violence and pogroms.

11. Some 630,000 Arabs left Israel in 1948, while close to a million Jews were forced to leave the Muslim countries.

12.In spite of the vast territories at their disposal, Arabrefugees were deliberately prevented from assimilating into their host countries. Of 100 million refugees following World War 2, they are theonly group tohave never integrated with their co-religionists. Most ofthe Jewish refugees from Europe and Arab lands were settled in Israel,a country no larger than New Jersey, USA.

13. There are 22 Muslim countries, not counting Palestine. There is only one Jewish state.

14. Fatah and Hamas constitutions still call for the destruction of Israel.
Israel ceded most of the west bank and all of Gaza to the Palestinian authority, and even provided it with arms.

15. During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish holy sites were vandalized andwere off limits to Jews. Under Israeli rule, all Muslimand Christianholy sites are accessible to all faiths.

16. Out of 175 United Nations Security Council resolutions up to1990, 97 were against Israel; out of 690 general assembly resolutions, 429 were against Israel.

17. The U.N. was silent when the Jordanians destroyed 58 synagoguesin the old city of Jerusalem. It remained silent while Jordan systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and it remained silent when Jordan enforced apartheid lawspreventing Jews from accessing the temple mount and western wall.

18. Arabs started all five wars against Israel, and lost every one of them.

I really do not care who is Jewish and who is not.

Then why did you bring it up to make a point?
You are anti-Semitic!

I have nothing at all against Jews

Yeah sure....just like you have "nothing against blacks" but want to keep them locked in failing schools to protect unions and locked in a failed welfare society to protect "a great society" that has failed miserably.

but Israel is a beggar nation that feeds off my country by
taking huge amounts of foreign aid and tax breaks for Israeli causes.

More anti-semitism. There are many countries with dictators and other sorts of henchmen
in charge that you never seem to have a problem with receiving huge amout of foreign aid
and tax breaks. Israel is a very special case Democrats and Republicans alike realize
is a buffer against the IslamoNazis and thats why President Obama, most Democratic Party leaders and elected officials dont agree with you. Again you are on the outer fringes from what most Americans and even most elected Democrats feel about Israel.

I find your asshole flag to be unpatriotic and offensive.

I find your anti-semitism offensive and your trashing of one of the United States' best Allies unpatriotic.

Israel is on the wrong side of history and most Israelis know that the current policies of Netanyahu are unsustainable.

Israel is on the right side of history. Netanyahu has been elected twice, that speaks
louder than your personal hatred of the man. But really you like Ahmadinejad just hate Israel
period, but you hide behind the facade that it Netanyahu.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 12:47:28 PM »
You don't make sense. Read what you wrote.

I dislike both Ahmedinejad and Netanyahu.Both are using religion to promote themselves.

There is no reason why any American Gentile would benefit from aid to Israel any more than aid to Armenia or some other country that thinks we Americans somehow owe it money and aid.

Unless they are a politician and need Jewish votes and money.

A "Jewish State" is as bad an idea as a "Muslim state" or a "Christian state".

Religion and government are best left separate. No American should support any state where one religion or race is given special privileges over another.

No amount of your Zionist propaganda has convinced me in 68 years, and you are wasting your time to blather all this nonsense again.

There has been no period in history when Palisrael was empty of people. The Palestinians are descendents of people who have settled there since the Stone Age. Some are surely descendents of Jews, as well as philistines, Arabs, Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Parthians, Persians, Romans, Turks and whatever.  The one thing that distinguishes the Palestinians is that they were there FIRST, at least in modern times. There have always been a few Jews there, but in 1850, most of the people were Palestinians.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 01:03:34 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2011, 02:31:23 PM »

Report: Explosion rocks Iran city of Isfahan, home to key nuclear facility

Semi-official Fars news agency says blast heard distinctly in several parts
of the western Iran city; a uranium conversion plant near Isfahan went online in 2004.

By Yossi Melman


An explosion rocked the western Iranian city of Isfahan on Monday, the semi-official Fars news agency reported, adding that the blast was heard in several parts of the city.

The reported incident occurred about two weeks after Gen. Hasan Tehrani Moghaddam was killed together with 20 other Guard members Nov. 12 at a military site outside Bidganeh village, 40 kilometers southwest of Tehran.

In a photo from 2009, Iranian technicians work at a facility producing uranium fuel for a planned heavy-water nuclear reactor, just outside the city of Isfahan. Photo by: AP 

The Revolutionary Guard said the accidental explosion occurred while military personnel were transporting munitions.

The deputy governor of Iran's Isfahan province on Monday said however he had no reports of an explosion in his region. "So far no report of a major explosion has been heard from any government body in Isfahan," he was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.

It should be noted that Iran operates a uranium conversion plant near Isfahan, one with an important function in the chain of Iran's nuclear program.

It first went into operation in 2004, taking uranium from mines and producing uranium fluoride gas, which then feeds the centrifuges that enrich the uranium.

Since 2004, thousands of kilograms of uranium flouride gas were stockpiled at Isfahan and subsequently sent to the enrichment plant in Natanz.

Earlier Monday, a top Israeli security official said that the recent explosion that rocked an Iranian missile base near Tehran could delay or stop further Iranian surface-to-surface missile development.

The official added, however that the Iranian nuclear program was continuing to gain ground, despite considerable international pressure and attempts to destabilize the Iranian regime.

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987