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Islamic discussion
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:13:33 PM »
I swear it would take forever to learn everything about Islam.

This is an interesting tid bit. Prophets are reserected shortly after their death, are alive and get around as reserected persons, who can't be seen by unbelivers. When they are in their graves they are comfortable and they spend a lot of time praying. When they are out of their graves they like to pilgramage .
1. The Prophets are alive in their graves living their ‘real’ and physcial life which they used to live in this world. This is why on the Night of Ascension when the Messenger of Allah reached Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), he lead the prayer in which all the Prophets stood behind him. If the prophets were not alive after their death, then how would have they come to perform salaah in Bayt al-Maqdis behind the Final Messenger?!

2. The life of the Prophets in their graves is the real, physical life which they used to live in this world. It is not merely a ‘spiritual’ life like that of the martyrs. This is why the wealth left in inheritance by the Prophets is not distributed; nor can their wives marry anyone else after them. Contrary to this, the wealth left in inheritance by the martyrs can be distributed and their wives can marry anyone after their death.

3. The life of the Prophets in their graves is not barzakhi (interspatial life) but it is the ‘real’, ‘physical’ life they used to spend in this world. The only matter of the fact is that we are not able to see them. This has been stated by the great Imam al-Shiekh Hasan ibn ‘Ammar Shurunbulali in the commentary of his famous book “Noor al-Idah” entitled “Maraqiy al-Falah”:

It is well known fact among the great scholars that the Messenger of Allah is alive in his blessed grave (the life which he used to spend in this world). The Messenger of Allah is given sustenance; takes benefit from everything which he desires; and gains the pleasure and joy of worshiping (as he had in this world). However, those who have not reached close proximity to Allah are unable to see him. [Noor al-Idah entitled Maraqiy al-Falah, Page 447]


Some detractors propagandise that Ahlu’s Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah do not believe that Prophets encounter death at all. This is blatant slander and nothing to do with reality. Whoever totally denies that Prophets 'Alaihim Assalam pass away and their souls are taken out; such a person is a denier of Qur’anic verses and mass transmitted hadiths and therefore out of the fold of Islam.

The Prophets also have to face death ; But it is simply just a nominal death
After that moment they start living once more ; Just as they had lived a physical life before


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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 10:18:07 PM »
There is much that is just silly about Islam. There is really no better word for it.

Invisible dead prophets running about on pilgrimages. That is just silly.

There are also a lot of silly beliefs about djinn. (genies) .

Imagine saintly, holy Leprechauns, and that is close.
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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 12:08:31 AM »
The people who came up with this stuff clearly had too much time on their hands.



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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2011, 12:34:19 AM »
The way religions seem to work seems to be something like this:

There are varying degrees of intensity felt in religion towards a god or gods. Those who feel it most strongly rise to the top of a church hierarchy, where they figure out ways of earning a living from their "gift". They can then invent a complex theology that perhaps only they can understand. We know that the Baalites had gods that "talked" and had moving mouth parts and belched flame and smoke, which was more impressive in those days before Marlboro Lites and Kents with the Micronite® filter. The Hebrews went the other way and made their god invisible, at least invisible to the majority of the people. Jehovah rode around in the box called the Ark of the Covenant until the Hebrew lost it around the time they were mostly rounded up and sent to Babylonia. No one seems to take the blame for the loss of the Ark. It vanished and has stayed gone until the appearance of a fake Lost Ark in the Indiana Jones film.

Like Christianity, Islam has had a long period during which imams and sufis have had a lot of time on their hands to dream up nonsense.

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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 01:34:31 AM »
I think genies is a regional thing. I asked about it to a pakistani and he never hear of such a thing


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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 10:43:13 AM »
Genies (djinn, jinn) are mentioned in the

They are supernatural beings, like angels.

Although many Muslims STUDY the Koran, they study it in Arabic, and Pakistanis do not speak Arabic. Plus, you have to take into account that the Koran is written in verse and in gobbledegook. Like the Book of Revelation, many Muslims believe in the Koran without ever actually understanding it beyond knowing the five pillars and such.
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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 11:41:37 PM »
that would explain him saying the sun will fall into the ocean,when I was talking about y2k to him.


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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2011, 11:50:49 PM »
The Sun falling into the ocean!

That is soooo 14th century!
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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 12:36:05 AM »
...........the Ark of the Covenant until the Hebrew lost it around the time they were mostly rounded up and sent to Babylonia. No one seems to take the blame for the loss of the Ark. It vanished and has stayed gone until the appearance of a fake Lost Ark in the Indiana Jones film.

  It is in there.

The Treasury in Axum, said to house the biblical Ark of the Covenant.


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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 01:07:18 AM »
If that is the monastery in Ethiopia, the legend is that is there, but no one has seen it.

The part I found intriguing is that in no part of the Bible does it even mention that it was lost, taken or stolen.
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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2011, 05:41:20 AM »
If that is the monastery in Ethiopia, the legend is that is there, but no one has seen it.

The part I found intriguing is that in no part of the Bible does it even mention that it was lost, taken or stolen.
It doesn't have to be lost , taken or stolen. Samuel 5

  There is a chapter about it being stolen.
   The takers all got diseased and aflicted.
     And their Idol kept falling over.
  So the enemy placed the Ark on an oxcart hitched to two hefers who had just calved.
    The cows walked away from their calves , and headed for Isreal.
      When it arrived there was great rejoycing.
        They sacrificed the hefers on the spot on a pyre built of the oxcart.
    Then solomly promised to never be careless with it again.

     I kinda felt sorry for the four cows. Chronicles+12&version=NIV

  By the time of King Rehoboam it must have been gone without being stolen .
    The theroy I like best is the idea that a faction left with it and the scriptures about it after that were written by that faction.
     Ethiopia has had Christians since way back when and Jews from before that.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 06:24:04 AM by Plane »


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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 09:13:10 AM »
It may be possible that it is in Ethiopia.

Whoever is in charge there will not allow anyone to see it. or even enter the place where they claim it is.

It could be that the story you like best is not true.
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Re: Islamic discussion
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 11:21:17 PM »
It may be possible that it is in Ethiopia.

Whoever is in charge there will not allow anyone to see it. or even enter the place where they claim it is.

It could be that the story you like best is not true.

Yes , my like of a theroy does nothing twards proof.
I think it fits , but being wrong is exactly like being right , untill you find out better.

Being wrong or right is a quantum state.