As far as i know, red lights are not suggestions. They mean stop.
So if people obeyed the laws the lives touted in this study as being
saved would be saved anyway.
As far as I know laws against driving under the influence, speed limits,
stop signs, ect x 100....are not suggestions, they mean what they mean,
so if people just obeyed laws the lives saved by police watching for these
type of violations would be saved anyway.
What the cameras do is add another layer of big brother and more firmly entrench
the nanny state, which I'm pretty sure you are not in favor of.
What the cameras do is allow law violators that are injuring, maiming, and killing
innocent people to be caught and fined for their reckless behavior when in the past
it was just the rare threat of a policeman seeing the violation and giving the
violator a other words enforcement was "hit and miss".
It's like now when you buy a fishing license it shows if you arent paying child support.
Technology is helping expose the reckless, scam artists, and law violators.
Now the "free ride" of recklessness is over"!
And it is saving lives. It's rather simple, dont want a traffic cam ticket?
Don't run red lights that endanger innocent people and children!