"The fact is, whether a has a child or not is ENTIRELY HER BUSINESS and NOT ANY OF YOURS. It is that bloody simple."
How can anyone honestly believe this? Is a one year old independent? Is a 90 year old with demntia, independent? In both cases, they are granted life and law protects them from being slaughtered, burned alive in saline, or have their brains sucked out. And yet, an innocent life can be taken without thought or guilt. Who stands up for these innocent lives that never had a choice?
No, it is our business. We need to make it our business. A three person family is destroyed every minute in this country at the hands of "Physicians" allowing a women to pursue their choice. It is wrong now, it was wrong in the past, and it will be wrong in the future. Life has really become meaningless to so many, that there is no longer a pang of guilt over the destruction of so many innocent babies.
So very sad, very sad.