Your effort at "discussing" the issue of taxes and vomiting up more Bush/Cheney hatred at the same time is duly noted, though also frought with an endless supply of flaws.
1st and foremost, and repeated many a time by Obama homself when he was a candidate for president, you DON'T RAISE TAXES IN A RECESSION. THAT IS WHAT HE'S CURRENTLY PROPOSING. Obviously its politically motivated, but at the same time, its at the core of his ideology. If he wanted to "raise taxes" in order to try and raise revenues in order to try and reign in the debt, as Bt has made reference to numerous times, he'd push for ALL the Bush tax cuts to expire. But no, he wants to push the class warfare angle, to better try and put him cozy with Joe Smith America, come Nov.
Here's another one is really pushing "tax cuts", outside of perhaps some lessening of the corporate tax rates. There are proposals by some, like the 2 tiered tax rate. The Bush Tax cuts, have done precisely what they were intended to do...they spearheaded increased tax revenues and job creation, that took us out of what 911 was taking us down in
Your problem is that while you try to make the economic mess all about Bush's tax cuts.....THEY WEREN'T EVEN REMOTELY RESPONSIBLE for what turned the recession, into a full blown one. If it weren't for the tax cuts in effect, not only would the events of 911 have caused a far more severe economic hit, but when the housing bubble burst, we probably would be Greece right now, instead of on a bullet train heading that direction. Obama and the Democrat's policies are stagnating and perpeuating the #'s that your post is highlighting. As you've said, Bush is out of office now, and Obama had a filibuster proof majority when he took office, to do anything he wanted. And we are now reaping the repercussions of those acts
So decry Bush & Cheney all you want. Call them all kinds of names, perpeuate the nonsense of the Bush lied diatribe & fool yourself into thinking the Bush tax cuts are the cause of all yours and Obama's misery. You're only fooling yourself, but I'm sure Obama appreciates your efforts