;_ylt=ArAz4m0exdTJ3.HB7itUFSFH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA2NWJlcmlsBHNlYwN0bg--JALALABAD, Afghanistan - With profits from this spring's record opium crop fueling a broad Taliban offensive, Afghan authorities say they are considering a once unthinkable way to deal with the scourge: spraying poppy fields with herbicide.
I severely do not like this , there is a demand for this stuff to attack on the other end , are we doing what we can there?
What are the real alternatives?
Searching every truck that rolls into Europe?
Searching every ship that sails in the Indian Ocean?
Locking up everyone that fails to pass a drug test all over Europe and America?
Spraying these crops sounds less desprate and severe than these measures , but only because it won't be happening to us.
How about decrimanaliseing the drugs and makeing them too cheap to be worth smuggleing?
How about sneaking a potent poison into the crop that has addicts all turn plad?
If it is alright to spray these feilds with poison that will cause the farmers to starve , lots of equally severe things ought to be considered.