But seriously, that cartoon is yet another example of your myopic view of the world.
My mother was a single mom who raised two kids and she wasn't some executive who decided that she wanted kids as trophies.
Are there women out there who are single and have a kid because they want to without having to be married? Of course, they are but this cartoon is misleading propaganda designed to insinuate that every woman needs a husband and that is just a blatant fascistic lie like most of your beliefs.
If you want to make single mothers less prevelant in America then stop crying and whining every time someone wants to make birth control readily available to teenagers. You see, there are a lot of teenagers who have sex. Teaching them "abstinence only" leads them, sure, to remain virgins in the sense that the girl is does not have vaginal sex but it leads them to think that any other kind of sex, sodomy, is A-OK with Baby Jesus. That means they are involved in sexual activities that lead to STD's.
If they had birth control in the form of condoms, they wouldn't be having these problems and there would be LESS teenage pregnancies that result in the boy maybe running off or children getting married to TRY and make it work and not having the maturity to maintain a marriage. Pretending that women NEED men in order to raise decent children or normal children is going at it bassackwards but that is the the conservative way.