Author Topic: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...  (Read 1006 times)

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.....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« on: October 10, 2012, 01:29:12 AM »
- Lybia/Bengazi security pullout, leading the death of the U.S. Ambassador, Egypt now being run by the Muslim Brotherhood, with its leaders condemning the existance of Israel, the ever increasing Afganistan deaths of U.S. military personel, gas prices skyrocketing, GDP a pathetic 1.3% in growth, all the while the President has played exponentially more golf, than meet with his security council and jobs council combined.  More debt than all other presidents combined...

....any other party president would be being crucified by the media.  Gads, Bush was repeatively criticized by the MSM for unemployment less than 5%, as a supposed "jobless recovery".  But Obama.....nope, he really can't be touched.  He's the chosen, doncha know.  And of course any criticism automatically equates to racism, anyways

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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 06:43:52 AM »
If the Democrats have the Press and the Republicans have the truth ....

....which would you rather have?


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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 10:47:28 PM »
Obama's Lies Unravel in Congressional Hearing on Libya 9/11 Attack   

Today's congressional hearing on the Sep. 11, 2012 attacks across the Middle East, that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi, have destroyed the Obama administration's lies about the event. There was not enough security in Benghazi, despite repeated requests; there was no preparation for the attacks, despite intelligence and warning signs; and the assault in Libya had nothing to do with an anti-Islamic video, as President Barack Obama and his appointees had claimed for weeks.

On the eve of the hearings, the State Department claimed not to have linked the Libya attack to an anti-Islamic video made in the United States--although Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did so in television advertisements the State Department produced for Pakistani television, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice told the media over and over again that the attacks had been part of a spontaneous demonstration of outrage across the region. Numerous requests for additional security in Benghazi had been ignored by the diplomats at Foggy Bottom.

The White House, meanwhile, finally discarded the "video" narrative to which it had clung for weeks, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary--but not before the filmmaker had been arrested in the dead of night at his home on the pretext of a parole violation, and not before President Obama devoted the bulk of his September address to the United Nations to condemning the video and defamation of Islam and Muhammad.

The new White House line is that poor intelligence led it to an erroneous conclusion about the video--even though that claim is contradicted by the State Department's own claims about what it knew about the attacks.

Both the White House and the State Department were adamant in their criticism of the video in the hours after demonstrators scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo, as well as in the weeks thereafter, though the White House claimed--through an unnamed source in Politico--to have denounced the embassy's apologies.

In one of today's hearing's more memorable--and ignoble--exchanges, Rep. Darrell Issa took umbrage at State Department Official for Embassy Security Charlene Lamb's assertion that ?We had the correct number of assets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11 for what had been agreed upon.? Issa retorted that her claim "doesn?t seem to ring true to the American people.? Nor, indeed, did it comport with other evidence presented to the hearing, including Lt. Col, Andrew Wood, who once headed U.S. security in Libya and testified that there had been serious deficiencies in embassy security, and that it had never been protected with the necessary resources.

What is clear is that the attacks on the anniversary 9/11 took the Obama administration by surprise; that the administration placed too much confidence in the removal of Osama bin Laden, as well as the President's own personal popularity, in declaring that Al Qaeda was in retreat; that the first impulse of the administration was to attack freedom of expression in the U.S., as well as the political opposition; that the administration never lived up to its most basic security responsibilities in Libya; that it lied for weeks about the most serious terror attack against the United States in years; and that it is lying still, in an attempt to minimize political fallout.

The entire cover-up is falling apart--and today's congressional hearings are likely just the beginning.
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2012, 01:19:28 AM »
....Boy, if it were any other party as President right now, especially Republican, they'd be crucified by the MSM, over this
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2012, 01:28:59 AM »
Your paranoid obsession with symmetry makes me wish that someone grabs you and shaves off just ONE eyebrow. Someone like Mitt and his prankster tonsorial pals, perhaps.

There is no symmetry in the universe, really.
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2012, 07:28:01 AM »
Your paranoid obsession with symmetry makes me wish that someone grabs you and shaves off just ONE eyebrow. Someone like Mitt and his prankster tonsorial pals, perhaps.

There is no symmetry in the universe, really.

Right .

And don't expect demands for fairness from the side with advantage either.


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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 04:26:17 PM »
Your paranoid obsession with symmetry makes me wish that someone grabs you and shaves off just ONE eyebrow. Someone like Mitt and his prankster tonsorial pals, perhaps.

Actually my so-called "paranoid obsession" has little to do with symmetry, and more to do with the notion of responsible journalism and news reporting.   But cudos on trying to redefine objectivity.  right up there with your mutated definitions of fair and compromise.  Couldn't help but notice you inability to answer Plane's direct question to you       :o

There is no symmetry in the universe, really.

Good thing I wasn't looking for any, then
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 04:43:27 PM »
“I just thought it’s too difficult. And you’re not going to like this, but my gut feeling is that all the media is against George, Republicans, any Republican.”
– Former first lady Barbara Bush, who said she was surprised when her son won the presidency in 2000.

The Axis of Liberalism – the other AOL – is the media, academia and Hollywood.

First, the media.

About reporters’ reaction to the 2008 Obama campaign, Joan Walsh, editor of the left-wing, said, “I was struck, when I got to Iowa and New Hampshire in January, by how our media colleagues were just swooning over Barack Obama. That is not too strong a word. They were swooning.” (Emphasis added.)

The Washington Post’s ombudsperson, Deborah Howell, examined her own paper’s 2008 coverage of the McCain-Obama race. To her credit, she admitted that the Post’s reporting and analyses dramatically favored Obama: “The op-ed page ran far more laudatory opinion pieces on Obama, 32, than on Sen. John McCain, 13. There were far more negative pieces about McCain, 58, than there were about Obama, 32, and Obama got the editorial board’s endorsement. …

“Stories and photos about Obama in the news pages outnumbered those devoted to McCain. Reporters, photographers and editors found the candidacy of Obama, the first African-American major-party nominee, more newsworthy and historic. … Some readers thought the Post went over (Sarah) Palin with a fine-tooth comb and neglected (Joe) Biden. They are right.”

What about the New York Times, America’s most influential newspaper?

The New York Times’ ombudsman, Arthur S. Brisbane, also admitted that his paper was biased to the left: “Across the paper’s many departments … so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism – for lack of a better term – that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of the Times. As a result, developments like the Occupy movement and gay marriage seem almost to erupt in the Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.”

Most people still get their news from national and local television, and from their local newspapers. Virtually all of the editorial pages of the major newspapers are liberal, and reporters self-describe as liberal far more often than they self-describe as conservative.

The second leg of the AOL is academia.

The American Enterprise Institute examined the political registrations of professors at 20 colleges and universities, representing a cross-section of higher education – public and private, big and small, in the North, South, East and West. By a more than 13-1 margin, the profs were registered with a party of the left. Many departments had no professors from a right-wing party.

How out-of-touch is academia? Most Americans, for example, oppose reparations for slavery. Not so in academia. Luntz Research Companies polled a cross-section of social science and liberal arts Ivy League professors and found that while only 11 percent of Americans support reparations, 40 percent of Ivy League profs approved.

The California division of the National Association of Scholars recently released a report accusing the University of California of pushing liberalism rather than providing students with an education. Liberal profs, says the NAS report, have turned the UC campuses into “a sanctuary for a narrow ideological segment of the spectrum of social and political ideas.”

Brian McHale is an Ohio State University English professor. A senior professor at this publicly supported school, McHale sent an email to fellow profs asking them to allow Obama campaign staffers to come to class and “make a pitch to your students about registering to vote.” He added, “If you were willing, the volunteers could also take a couple of extra minutes to see whether they could interest any of your students in volunteering for the Obama campaign themselves.”

Look at political contributions of those in the education field. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, 82 percent of the donations ($200 or more) to federal candidates and PACs from primary to graduate school educators (not including teachers unions) went to Democrats in 2008.

The third leg in the Axis of Liberalism is Hollywood.

Of the entertainment industry’s total contributions of $200 or more, $9.7 million went to Obama in 2008, versus $1.2 million for McCain. DreamWorks mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg has single-handedly raised nearly $7 million for Obama’s campaigns and super PACs in the last five years.

Ever wonder why so few sympathetic portrayals of conservatives on the large and small screens? MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, a former Democratic senator’s legislative aide and a “West Wing” television show writer, said: “You’ll never, ever, get the Republican TV show. The Writers Guild of America, my union, is at a minimum 99 percent leftist liberal and, like me, socialist. And we don’t know how to write it. We don’t.”

Some Republicans wonder why, given this tepid recovery, Romney is not doing better. Given the Axis of Liberalism’s power and its hostility toward “the right wing,” it is a testament to the strength of ideas that Republicans ever win.

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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2012, 12:49:34 PM »
Now you are going to pester me about someone else's questions.

Allow me to state the obvious: YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME.
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2012, 01:09:27 PM »
Pretty pathetic dodge.....but then again, you do, what you do best...deflect & demean.  It was someone else's question, that you have yet to address.  Much like Bt's never answered inquiry regarding your meritless claims of tea party obstructionism
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 03:08:42 PM »
Screw you, nothing I say would please you. I have no obligation to obey you in any way.
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 04:06:10 PM »
Again, nice dodge/deflection, since no one is demanding anything of you.  I'm just hilighting your ongoing inability to answer serious questions OTHERS have posed.

Good work
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2012, 06:23:04 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2012, 03:30:18 PM »
Lying from Behind

Let’s start where it first began.

No, not the election of Barack Hussein Obama, although that would be a good call.

Jump further ahead in the story.

Back in March 2011, when Obama started lobbing missiles at Libya, liberals assured us that we were NOT at war.

Instead the administration described it as time-limited, scope-limited, kinetic military activity- which is just another made up phrase that liberals use to remind us that they are the people Orwell warned us about.   

And thankfully, NPR-- yes THAT NPR, the Big Bird NPR-- allowed us to remain calm, by helping the administration keep it simple.

Just lie, they reminded the greatest communicator ever. Obama took his cue and lied from behind. 

We are not at war, the Corporation for Public Race-baiting tells us, even if we are a bunch of Tea Party fascists and racists, I wrote in March 2011.

To bolster the NPR case, their totally, 100 percent, objective reporter found a college professor to tell us not to worry, we’re not at war.

"Would I consider us 'at war' with Libya at this moment?” Judkin Browning, a professor of Military History at Appalachian State, who studies the American Civil War, told NPR. “I would say no, simply because of the very limited nature of our military mission."

Wow. That was easy.

Kind of like an award-winning Sesame Street episode.


N.O. spells “No.” This non-war was sponsored by the letters N & O. 

Remind me: Just exactly why does Romney propose killing and eating Big Bird?

It’s not like Big Bird was responsible for the subsequent capture and sodomizing of Muammar Gaddafi before he was killed by extra-legal means.



It was likely a contingent of NATO soldiers that made Gaddafi’s capture and beating death possible.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the guy deserved to get beaten to death.

But then there is a big difference between my personal opinion, and the obligations of the president of the United States to follow the laws of war, especially when he’s the “brilliant” legal scholar and Nobel Prize recipient, law-giver and leading cell-phone provider in the United States, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama

Not to worry, lied the man who condemned the trial and hanging of Saddam Hussein-- who, by the way, received justice under the laws of Iraq. Gaddafi got it on the side of the road by a mob enabled by the USA under president Obama.

And pay no attention to the men behind the dictator beating him says the guy who condemns U.S. detention of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay as inhumane.           

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she supports calls for an investigation into the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi as part of Libya's transition from dictatorship to democracy,” winked the Associated Press at the time.

“Clinton says a democratic Libya should begin with the rule of law and accountability, as well as unity and reconciliation. She says investigating Gadhafi's death is part of the process.”

It’s been 18 months since Obama got off his missiles in Libya.

There’s been no investigation, no declaration of war, no explanation as to why we are destabilizing the region deliberately.

One would think that the man strong enough to stop the seas from rising, as Obama says he has, might be strong enough to withstand his own administration’s rhetoric.

Democracy, rule of law, accountability and… lies.

Especially lies.

The lies are the glue that holds Obama’s Libyan policy together

Because the line Obama must take at all costs is that, of course, we are NOT supporting Al Qaeda-- or radical Islamists-- in Libya, or Egypt, or Syria, when, OF COURSE that’s exactly what we are doing.

Hence the coordinated terror attack by Al Qaeda on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya proves an inconvenient truth for Obama that must be blamed on someone else. The repeated call for increased security by the diplomatic staff before the attack, also proves awkward for the administration as it lies from behind.

"It's awkward for anybody. If you talk to people in the intelligence community and now at the State Department, they're not happy,” said CNN’s John King. “The leaders of the administration, in their view, Jay Carney speaks for the president, so that's the President of the United States, the Vice President last night, on stage last night, essentially publicly scolding, publicly blaming others for what happened in the administration. Those people don't like that."

They don’t like it because they have warned Obama that arming Al Qaeda in Libya and Syria, and likewise Islamists in Egypt, has spread the influence of terror networks just at a time when their bases of operation in places like Yemen are under pressure.

These are folks who have suffered through multiple deployments overseas fighting Al Qaeda, and personally know people who have died for Obama’s bumper-sticker wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Africa.

Ask your kids a quick question: Arming Al Qaeda; good idea? Yes or No?

It’s an easy question only Obama could flunk

And now these brave people, who have born the brunt of the war on terror around the world, have a commander-in-chief who blames them for their own casualties, while he claims credit for their victories, like the death of bin Laden.

And like all his other failures, Obama can only blame others for his own mistakes and then lie from behind
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Re: .....boy, if it were any other party as President right now...
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2012, 09:33:06 PM »
The Republicans have had no truth at all since the days of Tricky Dicky.

They are all shameless assholes.
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