Here's what pisses me off...
I'm a registered Republican, partly because when I registered to vote lo those many years ago, the Republican party more closely represented what I believe in, and kept it partly because the only way to vote for a primary candidate in any partisan election in the state of Florida is to state a party affiliation. The Republicans have gone further and further from my own personal political beliefs, and I have considered changing my party affiliation or dropping it altogether - but then I either can't vote in partisan primaries, or I'm much more limited in my choices (if i were to, say, go Libertarian).
Unfortunately, when you put down a party affiliation at the local Supervisor of Elections office, it becomes a matter of public record. That means any Tom, Dick or Harry who is willing to plunk down a fee can get a list of the voter rolls, by party, by neighborhood, district, age, or whatever criteria they want to use, find the telephone numbers, and robocall the hell out of the people on their list.
Obviously they are doing it by party for the most part, because I get very few calls to support Democrat candidates. However, I get several calls each day from Republican sources, especially calls about different issues or diffrent candidates, each one in a different voice, but always ending with the statement that this call was not authorized
by any particular candidate but were paid for by the RNC (Republican National Committee) and always ending with a toll free number. Always a different toll free number.
So being a cranky S.O.B. who feels I pay my damn phone bill to keep in touch with friends and family I care about and businesses I actually do business with and not to be annoyed by every sumbitch with something to sell, whether it's a vacuum cleaner, religion or poiitics, I call the number to tell them to put me on their Do Not Call list. Now, you can't escape these asshole by using the state or federal Do Not Call list, because the politicians that wrote those laws slyly made exceptions for political calls, so you have to call them back and tell them to put you on the Do Not Call list (you can't just tell the person when you answer to do it, because it is always just a recording).
The problem is, each one of those calls comes from a different number, a different robocaller, with a different message. That's how the RNC gets around putting you on a Do Not Call list, they simply keep calling from different numbers.
And when my own political party pulls shit like that, they lose my vote.