If God allowed Obama to be reelected, then he also had a hand in putting Pol Pot and Hitler in power.
Either God decides, or people do. Either we have free will or we do not. You can't have it both ways.
I suggest that God cannot know the future and therefore has no actual aims. Perhaps he has goals like we do.
The apparent necessity for God to wipe out all but a few people in the Flood suggests that God did not get it right the first time.
I don't believe there was a Flood as described, but if God is perfect, he can have no "oops" moments.
If God knows the future, then we are simply doomed to do whatever God knows we will do. We have no free will.
There is uncertainty at the particle level in physics. Uncertainly and the lack of total probability predictions suggests that the future is not now and never will be predictable or knowable.