Author Topic: XO pretends "oh let Syrians decide" while massive influx of outside influences!  (Read 3234 times)

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Saudi heavy weapons supply to
Syrian rebels breaks up Arab summit in uproar

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

March 28, 2013

The heavy MLRS rocket launcher in Syrian rebel hands

Syrian rebels fighting for control of the Syria's biggest town, Aleppo, have obtained their first heavy weapons, 220-mm MLRS rocket launchers through a large-scale supply operation run by Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, according to debkafile's exclusive intelligence sources.

His agents scoured the Balkans nations of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo and for large wads of cash snapped up Russian-made MLRS (Smerch) and Hurricane 9K57 launchers capable of firing scores of 220-mm rockets to a distance of 70 kilometers.
The Saudis hope to expedite the rebel capture of the big Syrian Nairab air base attached to Aleppo's international air port. The Saudi prince has personally taken the Nairab battle under his wing, convinced that it is the key to the conquest of Aleppo, once Syria's national commercial and population center, after more than a year's impasse in the battle for its control.
The fall of this air base would also substantially reduce the big Iranian and Russian airlifts to Assad's army.

Russia brings down its cargo planes loaded with weapons and replacement parts for the Syrian army at Nairab after the air facilities around Damascus were targeted by rebel fire. Moscow has since warned the rebels that if they attack incoming or outgoing Russian planes at Nairab, Russian special forces will come in to wipe out their strength around the base and take over its protection themselves.

Of late, Russian and Iranian arms lifts to Nairab were doubled, after rebels seized many Alawite villages in the Aleppo and Idlib regions of northern Syria.

Members of Bashar Assad's Alawite sect, their inhabitants, mainly women and children, have been fleeing en masse from their homes in fear of rebel retribution. They are making for the coastal towns of Tartus and Latakia which are still under regime control.

The question is for how long. In the third week of March, Russian warships stopped docking at the naval port of Tartus after finding its piers and facilities crowded with Alawite refugees who came up to the Russian seamen begging for food, water and medical aid.

From March 21, Russian warships on the Mediterranean were ordered to avoid Tartus and relocate their visits to Lebanon?s Beirut port.

The Saudi operation for shipping heavy rocket launchers from the Balkans to Aleppo is complicated.
The rockets are fixed to vehicles weighing 43.7 tons each. The rockets themselves are 7.6 meters long and weigh 800 kilograms.

To arrange the transfer of this heavy artillery to the rebels in Aleppo, Prince Bandar contacted Hakan Fidan, head of the MIT-Turkish National Intelligence Organization. They agreed to set up an overland route from the Balkans via Turkey and across the Syrian border to Aleppo, under the protection of the Turkish army.

Our sources report that Ankara's initial refusal of cooperation was overcome with a sharp reminder by Prince Bandar of the scale of Turkish exports to Saudi Arabia and the damage to the Turkish economy of their potential suspension.

The news that Saudi Arabia was supplying Syrian rebels with heavy weapons stunned the Arab League summit taking place in Doha, Qatar this week, bringing it to a clamorous end, debkafile's intelligence and Middle East sources reveal.

Saudi and Qatari delegates were heard hurling shrill abuse at one another and exchanging blows in private meeting rooms down the corridors of the assembly hall. The conference proceedings were abruptly halted as Arab delegation members pitched in to separate them. A total blackout was quickly drawn down on the summit as it broke up in disarray.

The Saudi royal rulers and Qatar's Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani have been at extreme loggerheads over the Syrian civil conflict. Riyadh - and Prince Bandar in particular - accuses the Qataris of conspiring to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Damascus, including radical groups tied to Al Qaeda.

Qatari Prime Minister and Secret Service Chief Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem has shot back with the charge that Saudi Arabia is maneuvering for control of the Syrian rebel movement.

The Saudis condemn Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's close ties with Qatar's ruling family which they say eggs on Doha?s schemes for Syria.

For this reason, too, Bandar insisted on Turkey taking active part in facilitating the Balkan heavy arms route to Aleppo.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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It would seem that anything that Obama does/supports is what Xo does/supports.  Doesn't matter what it is, how hypocritical or duplicitous it is, if Obama was behind it, it was a good thing.  And if Obama didn't do anything, that was the right thing, end of sentence, no thinking required
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So Libya was a horrible mistake, but now you dorks think that the US should invade Syria?

That is unspeakably irrational.

It seems to me that President Obama, with the help- of the State Department and the CIA, surely know far more about Syria than the clowns, fools and morons that you allow to indoctrinate your teensy brains.
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So Libya was a horrible mistake, but now you dorks think that the US should invade Syria?

And praytell, who has advocated that......a U.S. invasion of Syria??

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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If the Syrians cannot actually decide, then who else is supposed to decide for them?

Surely a lot of different factions are vying to do this, but since the US is correctly perceived to be an ally of Israel, I am against the US intervening in any overt manner.

Of course, I have zero influence as to who ends up running Syria, so I fail to understand why you are attacking me about this.

Ideally, the Syrians should decide,and clearly some Syrians will end up running Syria. They are sure to oppose Israel and are sure to be some sort of Muslim. which means that "Christians" won't like them. It is also sure that he will blame Obama. It is all he knows.
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So bellowing that we want to invade Syria, minus any specificity or names supporting it, was just your ususal strawman.  Could have just said that
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So bellowing that we want to invade Syria, minus any specificity or names supporting it,
was just your ususal strawman. 

SIRS....he just makes shit up out of this air.

Hell no we should not invade Syria!
(just like we should have stayed out of Libya!)

But more importantly we should not be training and helping the Al-Qaeda groups
trying to take-over Syria! Obama is training and sending big time help to these
thug Islamist groups associated with Al-Qaeda.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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So bellowing that we want to invade Syria, minus any specificity or names supporting it,
was just your ususal strawman. 

SIRS....he just makes shit up out of this air.

SOP.  The Professor and his strawman army     :-\

But more importantly we should not be training and helping the Al-Qaeda groups
trying to take-over Syria! Obama is training and sending big time help to these
thug Islamist groups associated with Al-Qaeda.

But....but....If Obama thinks its a good idea, it must be.  I mean, he's a cornicopia of great judgement     :o
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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He is far, far smarter than you and "Christians".
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Perhaps in picking NCAA winners
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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He is far, far smarter than you and "Christians".

Xavier "smart" is a relative term....
but why is Obama supporting Al-Qaeda linked groups to overthrow Assad?
It's lunacy!

Chechen commander forms "Army of Emigrants" integrates Syrian groups

By Bill Roggio

March 28, 2013

A commander from the Russian Caucasus known as Abu Omar al Chechen has formed Jaish al-Muhajireen wa Ansar, or Army of the Emigrants and Helpers, and integrated several Syrian fighting units into the ranks. Abu Omar was the commander of the Muhajireen Brigade, which fights alongside al Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, the Al Nusrah Front.

The creation of the Army of the Emigrants and Helpers was announced on March 26 by Kavkaz Center, a propaganda arm of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, an al Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Russia's Caucasus.

"In March 2013, a unit of Mujahideen of Kataeb al Muhajieen, or Brigade of Emigrants, under the command of Abu Omar al Chechen was joined by several brigades of Syrian Mujahideen, including Kataeb Khattab, or the Brigade of Khattab, and Jaish Muhammad, or the Army of Muhammad, after which it was decided to reorganize the structure of Kataeb," Kavkaz Center reported.

"As a result, Jaish al Muhajireen wa Ansar, or the Army of Emigrants and Helpers, was created," Kavkaz Center continued.

The Army of Emigrants and Helpers "is fighting primarily in the province of Aleppo." Kavkaz Center describes the group as "one of the most prominent groups in the Syrian Jihad."

Kavkaz Center claimed that the Army of Emigrants "has more than 1,000 Mujahideen, Muslim volunteers from different countries, including the Caucasus Emirate," who "are fighting under its banner." The claim appears to be true; just one week ago, a Swedish fighter known as Abu Kamal As Swedee was reported to have been killed while fighting with the Muhajireen Brigade.

A video showing Syrian jihadists swearing an oath of loyalty to Abu Omar al Chechen, who is seen in the background, was also published on YouTube. Hundreds of jihadists are seen in the video, and some are flying al Qaeda's flag.

In the video, another commander, who is identified as "Emir Saifullah" said, "We came here to establish God's law .... We have a purpose: to establish sharia [Islamic law], God's law."

Saifullah also said that no distinctions should be made between the different theaters of the jihadists' war.

"To us, there is no difference between Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Caucasus, any place," he said.

Another video shows the takeover of a military base in Handara in Aleppo. Again, al Qaeda's banner is shown flying in the background.

Chechen jihadists in Syria

Abu Omar al Chechen first appeared in a videotape that was released by Kavkaz Center on Feb. 7 [see LWJ report, Chechen commander leads Muhajireen Brigade in Syria]. He was seen surrounded by 19 heavily armed fighters and seated behind al Qaeda's flag.

"Chechen fighters," often described as fighters from the Caucasus and southern Russia, have been spotted on the Syrian battlefield for months. In October 2012, a group of "Chechen emigrants" is known to have fought, along with an element from the Free Syrian Army unit, under the command of the Al Nusrah Front to take control of a key Syrian air defense and Scud missile base in Aleppo. The Long war Journal speculated at the time that the group included members of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate [see LWJ report, Al Nusrah Front commanded Free Syrian Army unit, 'Chechen emigrants,' in assault on Syrian air defense base].

The Muhajireen Brigade is known to have participated in two other major assaults against Syrian military bases since the October operation in Aleppo.

In mid-December, the Muhajireen Brigade teamed up with the Al Nusrah Front to overrun the Sheikh Suleiman base, or Base 111. Arab and Central Asian fighters are reported to have participated in the battle.

And in mid-February, the Al Nusrah Front, together with the Tawhid Brigade and the Muhajireen Brigade, stormed the base of the Syrian military's 80th Regiment (or Brigade), which is situated near the main airport in Aleppo in eastern Syria.

Doku Umarov, the emir of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, has praised the "mujahideen" in Syria as well as the fighters from the Caucasus. In November 2012, Umarov released a speech on the Kavkaz Center website that addressed the jihad in Syria.

"I appeal to the brothers, and I want to stress that we, the Mujahideen of the Caucasus, pray for you, make Dua [supplication to Allah], ask Allah to help you with His angels, that Allah helps you in every way,' he said.

In the speech, Umarov warned the Syrian jihadists not to "replace the regime of Bashar al-Assad, using Turkish, or Saudi, or Egyptian, or American, or English money, with another idol under the guise of democracy."

Umarov was added to the US's list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists in June 2010. The US added the Islamic Caucasus Emirate to the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in May 2011.

حلب. جيش المهاجرين والأنصار

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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In Afganistan we just left and left the Mujahadeen we had helped so much to their own devices.

The Taliban stepped up and took over a situation in which their fundamentalism was preferable to chaos.

Al Queda came in as tenants and paying guests while we simply did nothing , why be interested in trouble so far away?

I think being uninvolved is a mistake , it is not the only species of mistake we might make , but being uninvolved doesn't serve us well .

I don't thnk that President Obama is mistaken to support and make friends amoung the freedom fighters, how elese will we know anything about the situation as it develops?


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I don't thnk that President Obama is mistaken to support and make friends amoung the freedom fighters,

"Freedom Fighters"?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
That has got to be about the most hilarious thing I have ever seen written in 3DHS!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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  It is quite ordinary for the leadership of each and every faction to speak idealsticly, so might as well call them freedom fighters, then call whoever fights against them and their new despot freedom fighters when the revolution revolves all the way around once.

   Agents of ours ought to be there .

    Secret and otherwise unless the contest is truely unimportantit is good policy to have eyes and ears on the scene.


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I really doubt that everything, or even most, of what the US is doing in Syria is going to be posted in the news or even in Debkafiles.

The Afghan "freedom fighters" that Brzenski got the Saudis to fund to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan became the Taliban.

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