Author Topic: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster  (Read 1825 times)

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This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« on: June 12, 2014, 05:31:34 AM »
Say what you will about George W. Bush....that he was arrogant, a cowboy, naive, dumb, a tool of the supposed "oligarchy", whatever.  Not to mention there were plenty of Conservatives that weren't pleased with his Democrat-like binge spending on domestic policies, as well as policies that exacerbated the already teetering housing bubble, and subsequent crash.  And yes, the media did manage to effectively alter public opinion that Bush somehow masterminded some massive global conspiracy, in which he managed to fool every other country's intelligence agencies, taking us to war in Iraq, yet he alone knowing Saddam had no WMD's, despite every other intelligence agency's conclusions, including our own CIA, that said he did

All that, and more, yet........look what's happening right before our eyes, under the policies put in place by this administration, and the Democrats that were in control of congress when Obama 1st took office

Putting aside the overt disaster and destruction to our healthcare system, referred to as Obamacare, or the more politically correct term, ACA, which has done precisely the opposite of all it was promised to do, we've been witness to the most non-transparent Administration in history perhaps, with the standard operation of stonewalling any and every investigation.....long enough to then criticize anyone for daring to still be concerned about "some issue so long ago"  Be it Fast and Furious, The New Black Panthers, or the more recent shameful Benghazi & IRS debacles.  While Benghazi was a source for incompetence, both from the White House & State Dept, the IRS was Nixongate at its worst.  A branch of the White House, the IRS, targeting opponents of the President for far greater scrutiny and delay of official tax deferred designations. just prior to the Presidential election, based solely on their opposition to this President.  Far worse than what got Nixon to resign for

If those weren't bad enough, Obama and the Democrats have unleashed a mass of unilateral actions, contrary to the very concise way this country was founded to run.  Whether its the Senate Democrats changing the rules to allow Judges to pass on a simple majority, or worse, the Present and his "phone & pen", basically declaring he has no need to abide by our Constitution, that he has the power of the pen, to dictate thru executive action, whatever he wants...what laws are to be enforced, what laws are not to be enforced, and screw both congress & the people of the United States.  He just knows better

I was content on trying to be quiet and calm, but the latest 3 actions, at the hands & policies of this Administration have required a need to vent

1) the VA.....Despite Obama's clear pledge when he took office to streamline and facilitate the care our veterans receive, all that's been done is to simply throw more money into the system, with absolutely no accountability.  This is a perfect window as to what a Government run healthcare system can become.  Yes, some veterans get good care, and that's great.  But as we've been witness too, the Government run system can't handle the volume of those needing care, so its rationed, with egregious waiting periods, some so bad, that people died, after waiting months for an appointment

2) Our border.....Despite the ongoing claims that "our border is secure", the truth is that's nowhere near the truth.  Thousands have been illegally crossing the border, and then ACTIVELY looking for a border patrol agent.  It used to be illegal immigrants tried to hide from them, now, thanks to yet another Obama executive fiat, the word is out to all other countries.....cross our border, and you can stay.  You say, "but it's only children".  Children are designated as anyone under 18.  And when this "child" can't prove they're 18 or under, they still can stay.  And if the child is accompanied by his 'parents", they can stay as well.  Of course they don't have to prove its their child.  Their word that its not Jose' down the street, is to be good enough, so they can stay as well.  Yo, AlQeada.....guess what?....just buy a child, and cross right over our border, claiming its your kid, and your in.   No questions asked.....just a court date and your "promise" you'll be there for it.  Does it get any madder than that?


3) Iraq.....this planned segue brings us full circle.  You may not have agreed with Bush for taking us into Iraq.  May have even concluded (erroneously) that he lied us into war even.  We were attacked by AlQeada on 911.  It was the greatest attack on our soil, with the most civilian deaths.  Like or hate what Bush did, we did go after AlQeada.....with a vengeance.  We may have never captured/killed Bin Laden, but we decimated their command structure, communications, and organization.  They were busted, & it was due to the efforts of Bush, and the incredible service & sacrifice of our military, along with our allies.  And yet, when this President took over, he made it very clear to the world, that we were on a timetable to get out, and screw the consequences of that action.  Our military generals tried to warn him, but he apparently knew better.  And the severe consequences of that decision is coming into full fruition now, where AlQeada is on the verge of not just regrouping, but in a position to actually take over control of Iraq.   There's a reason for the current actions by terrorists connected to AlQeada & the Taliban of the Middle East...they see a President of the U.S. as feckless when it comes to his foreign policy, with no intention of stopping them.  All those soldiers who gave their lives for this country, and to help bring freedom to the Iraqi people, are on the verge of being all for naught, thanks specifically to THIS President, and HIS actions.

And all this has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin, and everything to do about the content of his character
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 04:24:16 AM by sirs »
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 02:34:29 PM »
Iraqis will have a country run by Iraqis. No president of the US can guarantee that Iraq will be democratic or fair or impartial. It is stupid to blame Presodent Obama. He did all he could, and now we are leaving it up to the Iraqis. We should never have invaded.
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2014, 02:44:43 PM »
Iraqis will have a country run by Iraqis.

And who ever claimed otherwise??    :o

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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 03:57:33 PM »
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 07:46:50 AM »

As ever.
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2014, 10:48:25 AM »
LOL....couldn't help but notice the inability to answer the serious question, once again.  No surprise there
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2014, 11:34:44 AM »
A stupid cartoon is not even a question.
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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2014, 02:37:41 PM »
Again, you have no question.

Granted, you normally only ask stupid questions, but I was commenting on the moronic cartoon.
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2014, 02:49:26 PM »
And I was commenting on the question & opportunity to debate, you so transparently avoided, in order to launch into another knee jerk use of me and a cartoon to highlight both
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2014, 09:10:12 PM »
You never debate, you just quote rot from some delusional website, like the one where you found the stupid cartoon.
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2014, 03:06:09 AM »
You never tire of being wrong, do you.  I debate all the simply chose not to return the effort, and instead again launch into personal snarks and insults. 

And let's pretend for a moment, that even if I did copy something from somewhere, how does that invalidate the point being made??  although I post plenty of original commentary, the beginning of this thread being a perfect example. most of what's posted here are reports and news stories from other websites.  That's just another dodge in your arsenal of dodges when it comes to your transparently ineffective ability to seriously debate politics. 

Best stick with debating culture, movies, and foreign language, and leave politics to those that actually take debate seriously
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2014, 01:02:12 PM »
None of which includes total imbeciles such as yourself.
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2014, 01:12:21 PM »
And as you keep reinforcing, you never tire of being wrong, do you.  I debate all the simply chose not to return the effort, and instead again launch into still more personal snarks and insults.  One has to admire the consistency, I suppose.  Bravo
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Re: This is reaching epic proportions of disaster
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2014, 06:37:33 PM »
What you call debate bears no resemblance to debating in any sense.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."