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America is Screwed...
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:27:56 AM »
...Unless ‘We The People’ Get Baptized Afresh In Our Founders' Rebel Spirit

For those who didn’t know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving heavy weights.

It’s hard to imagine that nowadays because our country is currently being deconstructed by moronic, liberty-choking, light weights also known as “politicians”. In particular…Liberal politicians. Liberals, you see, don’t mind what you do as long as they approve. They’re kind of like King George III and his inbred dipsticks in that regard. Or, for a more current example, they’re somewhat like Islam with their fascism, sans the billygoat beards and the suicide vests.

That said, our current crop of freedom-stranglers aren’t entirely made up of Leftists as there are many who claim to represent the Right who also believe it’s their duty in life to make our lives beholden to big government, power-hungry dillweeds.

If our founders were around right now they would stomp on this current crop of managers like a narc at a biker party. Literally.

Yep, from a freedom standpoint, our founders were a horse of a different stripe. They hated control freaks. They loathed tyrants. They trusted government about as far as I could toss Rosie O’Donnell following her 5pm feeding after I just finished the Hotter ‘N Hell 100.

Indeed, once our original framers got this incredible country up and officially cranking they began to cobble together a seal, a picture, a motto, and an emblem, which would encapsulate what they had concocted on fresh American soil.

Benjamin Franklin, being the rebel he was, wanted it to be a picture of Moses confronting Obama…I mean, Pharaoh, when Moses demanded Pharaoh cease his enslavement of Israel and let God’s people go. This image was to be encircled with the phrase, “Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God”. Thomas Jefferson liked the motto "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" so much, he used it on his personal seal.

Today, especially during BHO’s be-damned days, the symbol the Left would concoct to represent their “American Dream” would be a pic of a dependent, 45yr.-old, multi-pierced lesbian breast-feeding off a big, old, saggy, milk-dried, government dog tit: a veritable dependent, indebted and enslaved minion from the cradle to the grave.

So, what’s my point? Well, it’s this: we’re wussies. All of us. We have not the singular mettle that made this grand experiment in self-governance tick. I’m guilty and you’re guilty and we can blame corrupt politicians, puff our chest, and scream at MSNBC all day long, but the truth is … we let ‘em do it to us. We traded our freedoms, prosperity and our original roots and moorings for mediocre comfort over duty and we were daft enough to believe them time and time again.

I believe until “We The People” resurrect the aforementioned motto and mantra by which the likes of Franklin and Jefferson clipped along, namely, pardon my redundancy, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”, then we will continue to see this land morph into a cartoon of what it was intended to be.

Yep, until we internally get to where our founders were, in particular, believing like they did, that it was their divine duty to vehemently oppose oppressors and not kiss their enslaving backside, we will continue to eat crap and content ourselves with ever decreasing freedom and the land of the free and the home of the brave will irreversibly morph into the land of the bound and home of the slaves.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 11:12:28 AM »
Not one word about slavery, of which most of the Founding Fathers owed their prosperity.

I would think that owning slaves would clearly make many of them the epitome of "control freaks".
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2015, 12:29:01 PM »
At the time, that was "acceptable", nor did they all have them.  As a country, we learned how wrong it was, and even fought a civil war over it...led by Republicans.  Slavery wasn't even a part of the founding documents, unlike such freedoms as speech, religion, and firearms.  "Control freaks" are what we currently have a mutation of....which is why this country is so screwed, unless we have a mass shift in what do we as a country value more...Freedom or being controlled
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2015, 01:07:36 PM »
Slavery is clearly mentioned in the Constitution, it was in the Constitution. Of the first ten presidents, seven owned slaves.

In most states, only White free men with property were given the right to vote. The states decided who got the right to vote as well.

Your ignorance of the history of this country is abysmal.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 02:14:46 PM »
Speaking of abysmal grasp of U.S. history, you best stick with teaching spanish.  Not only was there no such Constitutional mandate to own slaves, many of the slave owners thought the practice horrible.  Thomas Jefferson called it a “hideous blot” on America. George Washington, who owned hundreds of slaves, denounced it as “repugnant.” James Mason, a Virginia slave owner, condemned it as “evil.” 

The fact that some of our founders may have owned them doesn't, in any way, refute the point of the piece, that this country was founded on freedom, that we even fought of civil war over the very issue, and Republicans won their freedom.  That presently, we have a growing mass of so-called "Americans" who have turned this country upside down, trying to substitute those freedoms with some centralized authoritative government......the polar opposite of how this country was founded, with this pathological need to control every apect of everyone's lives.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 06:25:28 PM »
  The Constitution required compromises between the strong faction that favored slavery and the equally strong faction that abhorred it.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2015, 08:45:25 PM »
This country was not founded on freedom, or they would have abolished slavery, as occurred in all of Hispanic South America and Mexico and Central America.  I never claimed that anyone was REQUIRED to own slaves, but it was permitted in over half the states.

The issue was not political freedom, it was about paying taxes to the King that were then spent on more military adventures, as opposed to fighting Indians in the West for more territory or defending colonists against Indians and  pirates.

Jefferson did not loathe slavery enough to free his slaves. He was a major enemy of Haitian independence. Slavery was permitted in Louisiana before he bought it from the French as well as afterwards.

I have forgotten more US history than you will ever know, you moronic putz.  I had several ancestors that actually fought in the Revolution in Massachusetts.

The Articles of Confederation, which gave most of the power to the states, were a disaster, and were abandoned for a federal system in which the central government had much more power.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2015, 10:17:16 PM »
The American Revolution coincided with the rising Abolition movement.

Slavery was a contentious issue , lots of passion.

That slavery might be wrong was a new idea for a lot of these guys.

The anti-slavery effort was an English thing for some time before more than just a few Americans were persuaded.

But what year do you want to look? There were fortunes made in England from slave trading too.

The persuasion that slavery was bad rippled out from where it started, was not instantly everywhere.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2015, 10:56:24 PM »
The abolition movement was not a part of the American Revolution. The Brits abolished slavery in the 1830's, and the South was happy to end the slave trade, because the importation of new slaves from Africa was competition for the slave-breeding industry, which was rather like the house flipping industry we have today. And of course, the slave rebellion in Haiti was blamed on the high percentage of  recently arrived Africans, who were the most rebellious. Slaves who grew up in slavery were far less likely to rebel. American Southerners liked to think that they had worked most of the kinks out of slavery by ending the importation of slaves from Africa, and turning all the slaves into Jesus-loving pacifists. There are numerous quotes in the Bible about how slaves should obey their masters joyfully. Jesus, of course, never said one word against slavery.

Slavery at the time of the Civil War was growing and prospering. Secession was about the South expanding the territory in which slavery was allowed. Slavery was the best get rich quick schemes in a country that has always loved get rich quick schemes.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2015, 11:58:16 PM »
I brought this up before . I got doubts any present day republican can refer or get credit from the repubicans of the past. Thier simply not the same people. Ideologies has shifted greatly. Democrats of that period were highly conservative . I would more believe the founding father would burn both parties to the stakes for being jerks then Anything else.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2015, 12:16:31 AM »
A lot of that is wrong.

But not all of it.

The abolition movement was involved very much in the politics of the mother country before and during the revolution.

Anti-slavery sentiment grew even in states/colonies that were making good money on it, like New England where the shipwrights and Rum distillers were major employers.

The necessity of Union drove compromise, the Southern states accepted an end to slave importation, but not immediately, after a certain date. There are a lot of such compromises.

The reason that there had to be compromises was that  the influence of abolition had risen to be nearly equal
to the influence of the pro-slavery faction at the same point in history that the Constitution had to be written.

If the revolution had happened earlier, there might have been a lot less restriction on slavery.

American Southerners liked to think that they had worked most of the kinks out of slavery by ending the importation of slaves from Africa
No, this does not fit.
Slaves were a major expense, cheaper slaves then would be like cheaper tractors now.
Accepting an end to import was one side of a compromise.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2015, 12:30:38 AM »
I brought this up before . I got doubts any present day republican can refer or get credit from the repubicans of the past. Thier simply not the same people. Ideologies has shifted greatly. Democrats of that period were highly conservative . I would more believe the founding father would burn both parties to the stakes for being jerks then Anything else.

I absolutely reject your premise.

Republicans have always welcomed fools and scoundrels, along with the rest.

What a tiny party it would be without them.

Can you tell me why such a huge number of people so suddenly just dropped an ideology ?

Was it an even trade with the Democrats?

"Here you take the Jim Crow that has been the reason for our existence for fifty years , we don't want it now, you can have it."

The Republicans did elect Nixon, but his southern strategy was not really good news for White supremacy, White Supremacy continued to decline.


What happened is that Segregation was a tired and loosing issue that the Democrats abandoned in the fullness of time, and no one picked it up.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2015, 03:41:48 AM »
Not suddenly but just a gradual shift.


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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2015, 10:18:40 AM »
No, this does not fit.
Slaves were a major expense, cheaper slaves then would be like cheaper tractors now.
Accepting an end to import was one side of a compromise.

The Southern states were ruled by a small oligarchy of very very wealthy planters. One of the main pillars of the economy of said planters was the breeding and sale of slaves. This was particularly useful, since most plantations were dependent on at most two products of the several that were grown to sell: cotton, sugar, tobacco and indigo.  Slave breeding was a form of financial diversification.

While it is true that importing African slaves would have been cheaper, it was also seen as far more dangerous. Many of the major slave leaders in Haiti were African born: Makandal and Boukman. Toussaint was the son of an enslaved African prince. Stories of gristly murders in Haiti abounded in the American South.

The Southern states were very, very far from being anything that could be called a democracy: it was a caste based oligarchy of the wealthy planters.
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Re: America is Screwed...
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2015, 03:05:14 PM »
Getting back to the point, simply because some founders had slaves still doesn't refute the FACT this country was founded on particular, FREEDOM FROM AN EVER GROWING OPPRESSIVE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle