Then you do not think that the number of young men locked up is a factor in the reduction of violence we are seeing?
If they are then it was not a mistake to lock them up, but if they are not a factor in the rates of violence on the street then it might be harmless to let them out very early.
So when you think of gun violence you are kinda confused.
Perhaps you and president Clinton were surprised together at the increases in gun sales that threats to the right to buy them caused.
I can't explain President Obama's surprise at the increases in gun sales when his words were construed as threats to the Second amendment, where was he while Bill Clinton was president?
You do not really think that the increase in incarceration explains the decreases in violent crime, do you?
The biggest factor in gun violence is most definitely not the number of guns available , else doubling them every twenty years would have an evident increase in the violence they "cause".
The biggest factor must be the number of people willing to use a gun to cause unjustified violence. Every increase or decrease in this number would have a direct effect on the number of violent incidents, but giving these guys a second or third gun would not increase their mayhem much over their having one.