I have to suppose that God is not nothing , but does this somehow prove that God is alike to the things of creation?
There is zero evidence that God is different from the rest of the Universe. If, indeed, such an entity exists.
Again, I invoke Occam's Razor. Simplest solutions are usually the best.
It is simpler to believe that the Universe created itself. It is simpler to believe that a mass of energy and matter has always existed than to believe that a mass of energy and matter AND a talented, yet bored omnipotent hobbycrafter has always existed.
If we simply assume the existence of such an entity, then it is simpler to believe that such a being is like the other sentient beings that we know. The Book of Genesis agrees with this when it says we humans were created in God's image. Christians have to believe that God can assume a human form.
.The cuckoo clock's creator was created by his parents. We all know that. He has no wooden gears.
There are tricks to assembling ships in bottles. If I wanted to know them, I am pretty sure there is a youtube video. I have never thought for one second that ships in bottles are assembled by itsy bitsy shipwrights. I doubt that you were, either.
God's nature might be different than the nature of our observable universe and how much different we are poorly equipped to measure.
Yeah, and then it may not. God as described in the Bible seems to be a very insecure critter who creates an entire universe so he will have a species that constantly sings his praises. Of course, if they fail to sing well enough, he can throw a divine hissyfit and drown them, burn them, turn them into pillars of salt, have them driven out of their homes by mean Babylonians. After all, they deserve nothing. They are gulty, guilty as Hell. Their ancestor once dared to make the mistake of taking unwise culinary advice from a talking reptile! The gaul! Punish them unto the thousandth generation!
The main known features of God are that he is invisible, inaudible, and cannot be perceived by the senses. If he really wanted to be worshiped, he could make a seriously convincing appearance every century or so. Otherwise, his existence it merely as questionable as that of the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa, and the real Mr. Clean, Mrs. Butterworth, Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben and Fat Fong, the fortune cookie baker.
I am from Missouri. I require a lot more proof than you seem to. To discuss God's personality and origins, his existence must first be established. Just as to discuss the techniques of the wee shipbuilders, we must first now beyond a reasonable doubt that ships in bottles were built by micro shipwrights, rather than by crafty geezers with long tweezers.
We know that people are quite capable of creating entities in their heads that do not exist. I create characters that reappear in my dreams upon occasion.
So we are also capable of creating gods, goddesses, angels, jinns, spirits and such. I am sure that there were many Greek priests who truly believed that they received divine messages from Zeus, Hermes, Athena, Ares, Poseidon and the rest of the Olympians. Of course, the Christian take on such delusions is that they were all diabolic. Old gods cannot be just pitched out with the garbage, they first need to be converted into demons.