That did not actually happen in such a way that the Cavalry from Ft Meade could come galloping to the rescue.
It happened in such a way, that had forces near the area been deployed immediately, when it was DETERMINED a terrorist attack was underway, that lives, including Ambassador Stevens, could have been saved. We had Special Forces in Tripoli, for crying out loud. Even a pair of F-18's could have been vectored in from bases in Italy or Germany, or Harriers from the Large U.S. ships located in the Mediterranean, which likely would have prevented the subsequent mortar attack that took place HOURS after the initial attack started. But nothing.....and that's all Obama's non-call. Clinton has no say in those orders
However, it resulted in such a way, because of the gross incompetence of the State Dept, headed by SoS Clinton, ignoring repeated requests for added security, in a region that was becoming more and more hostile, as the anniversary of 911 was approaching.
And NO, for the learning impaired, neither Clinton nor Obama caused the attack, before professor deflection tries to throw that in. This has always been how they handled the events prior, during, and most egregiously afterwards
I really do not care whether Wasserman resigns or not.
Of course you don't.....she has a "D" after her name. Had this been a Republican President, SoS, and head of the RNC, you'd be singing a different apoplectic tune, demanding not just resignations, but indictments, if not impeachment