The last dispute over crosses I read about was this one. private group erected a huge 40 foot cross over a veteran's graveyard. Relatives of Jewish veterans protested.
The difference was that an individual cross is the expression of an individual family.
A giant cross is obviously to be a symbol of all those buried there. I can see where honoring a False Messiah would tick off Jews.
Jesus did not fit most of the actual prophesies mentioned in the Torah. He did not presume to be a king, he did not militarily defeat the oppressors, and he did not actual win in the predicted manner. Christian scholars twisted and yanked and contorted Jewish writings in a grotesque fashion, Maimonides wrote a book on how Jesus was an imposter and a fraud. In the interests of interdenominational harmony, Maimonides is honored by the Jews, but many of his books are kept under wraps, lest they provoke another pogrom.
It would not bother me personally,but I can see the point of those who protested.
Individual grave stones, on the other hand, only honor one dead veteran.