Leave it to Professor Deflection to again argue a point, no one is making.. No Xo, I don't think there should be National Registry for future gun deaths. If you payed any attention, which I know you do, just that it doesn't dovetail with the knee jerk deflections you employ, I don't think there should be a National Registry...PERIOD. And I demonstrated why...as in a Registry does squat, nada, zilch, zero, in keeping some criminal from illegally obtaining a firearm and killing. It wouldn't even stop a child from getting a hold of a gun that has been irresponsibly left accessible
And putting aside the overt bureaucracy that would be added in any legal citizen attempting to legally purchase a firearm, the ONLY functional effect such a registry would have is to provide information to the government of what firearms LEGAL LAW ABIDING citizens have.
2 wrongs don't make a right.....especially when its a Constitutional Right