No...sorry.....not going to let your attempts at rewriting what went down fly. The Right wing has NEVER...let me repeat....NEVER claimed, or even implied that either Clinton or Obama sent Ambassador Stevens to his death. Nor is are either, evil incarnate
What the right wing has said, and implied, over and over and over and over again, and subsequently backed up by the facts, is that Clinton was grossly incompotent, in allowing Stevens to travel to Benghazi with minimal security, then ignore REPEATED requests for additional security. Especially notworty with the anniversary of 911 approaching. That's ALL on her, as she was in charge, at the State Dept
Now, she gets a pass on the fact no rescue or counter attack was launched, when it could have been, and could have saved lives....that's all on Obama. But the subsequent acts of lying to those families who lost loved ones, and the lying to the Amercan people that this was facilitated by some video, when she KNEW RIGHT FROM THE START, this was a terrorist attack, is also ALL on her
THAT's what the right wing has plainly said about Clinton, and supported by the facts that we are all now privvy too. NOT that she's evil, but reckless & incompotent as someone in charge
You may now return to what you do best, deflect, and call republicans names. Have at it