You've got all manner of politically correct busy bodies trying to bully NC into allowing anyone to go into any bathroom, based on how they feel, followed by our country's AG, initiating a federal lawsuit, at tax payer expense, to compell NC to overturn its law.
Now you have our Dept of Education & Obama, send out a memorandum, dictating that all public schools, thru-out the country, are to adhere to a similar principle.....anyone can go in to any bathroom that they "identify with". What the frell?? Not conversing with anyone from congress, just deciding to pull is emperor card out, and with an executive order, order the DoEd to literally give a green light to any boy that feels compelled to go into any girls' bathroom, on a public campus. Literally, a boy can just follow any girl, into the bathroom, with this order, if they simply better "identify" with that bathroom
The only saving grace is that its merely an executive action, is in, its not a law, that state schools must abide by. But they do risk losing Federal dollars if they don't